Alia Bhatt, a chirpy and bubbly girl known for her brilliant performance in ‘Raazi’ and ‘Udta Punjab’ among others, has made her name in golden letters in Bollywood’s cinema. She started her career from ‘Student of the Year’, yet again inspiring all the girls for her impeccable dressing sense and what’s trending in the world of Bollywood. Let us show you some of the best dresses that she wore during her movie’s promotion.
1.Royal Blue Anarkali
This royal blue anarkali is from the House of Kotwara. Alia Bhatt wore this beautiful anarkali during the promotion of the movie Raazi. Halter neckline of this floor-length anarkali makes it more appealing.
2. Off White Printed Suit
This off-white printed suit is designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee. She wore this amazing cotton suit with chanderi dupatta.
3. Sporty Look
Well, Alia Bhatt never fails to mesmerize her followers; her recent promotional outfit is the proof of that. She wore this outfit during the promotion of her recent movie ‘Gully Boy’. Her sporty outfit is from the label Annakiki and sneakers are from the label Buffalo.