A 101 guide to maintain post wedding glow

Bridal glow
Christopher Campbell

Weddings as we all know how tedious it gets with each function. No matter how fun all the wedding activities behold but in the end, it literally drains the energy from the people, especially from the bride. After the wedding, brides usually start to ignore and skip those beauty and fitness rituals that they’ve tried months before their special day and hence beginning to lose their special charismatic appearance. Here are some tips for you to follow to get that special glow back.

Minimal Makeup

Although you can’t deny the fact that once you’re married and officially given the title of ‘newly-wed’ you don’t get many options in denying the makeup, after all, you are the new-bahu of the house and should be presentable all the time. To keep your skin prepared for the worst make sure to apply minimal makeup and look more appealing than before. Some specific concerns in your skin require specific attention.

For example, if you have tired, puffy eyes, you must start using under-eye gels and serums, and maybe use cucumber slices or under-eye masks every time you use face packs to get rid of puffiness. Similarly, pigmentation, dullness, uneven skin tone, and other concerns can be treated by feeding your skin with discrete nutrients that can be found in the problem-specific serums and gels.

A Good Night Sleep

It’s a bit hard, but you need to take complete eight hours sleep for your health as well as for your mind’s prosperity.

bridal glow
Julia Zolotova

Hydration On The Go

Keep yourself hydrated. You already know the benefit of staying hydrated, just like you followed staying hydrated pre-wedding follow it post your wedding too. It is strongly recommended for the brides to visit an esthetician regularly, at least every 15 days to be precise, for a professional facial or clean-up.

While all your regular skincare and home-made packs are helping your skin in building a natural glow, a licensed esthetician has access to products and equipment that can assist in deeper cleansing of the skin without disrupting the skin’s natural barrier function, which has balanced pH, oils & lipids that are essential to skin’s health, according to UpLift Spa in New York.

Follow The Basic Beauty Regimen

Cleansing-Toning-Moisturising is what everyone should follow rigorously. With its massive great effects on the skin. It ultimately becomes one of the favourites and must follow-up beauty rituals for glow. Sometimes it takes time to figure-out which regimen suits you the best. Different kinds of skins require different doses of nourishment to hydrate and nurture their layers accordingly.

Take time to understand your skin type. Is it normal, oily, dry or a combination. And then choose your products accordingly. There are a number of ways, which can be found online, to check which type is your skin. The products take a little time to work too.

Bridal Glow
Jonathan Borba

Indulge In Some Physical Activity

Getting involved in the whole wedding festivities might make you a bit lazy. But don’t try to go with the flow. Start your exercise regimen as soon as possible before gaining that excess fat that you’ve lost. While preparing yourself for the wedding. Whatever you eat reflects upon your skin, so eat well. Drink water regularly, increase your fruits’ intake. And eat food items rich in fibre and iron. Maintain a light exercise/yoga routine to treat your skin with a flush of blood-flow, calm you inside, and help you get rid of stress and anxiety that tends to break-out your skin.

Also Read: Unconventional bridal hairstyles to choose from

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