Beauty secrets from around the world

Beauty Secrets
Sam Manns

No matter where you are from, chances are you occasionally find yourself looking overseas with envy. How do those Japanese ladies get their skin so clear? What about those South American women with their luminous complexions? Genetics obviously plays a role in our attributes, but a lot of it comes down to simple beauty secrets which anyone can learn.  And odds are if you’re feeling envious, someone else around the globe is looking toward your shores and feeling envious of what you’ve got. Wedding Affair brings to you some amazing beauty secrets that every bride can follow and take their beauty game notches higher.


In Mexico, nectar from the Agave plant is mixed with oatmeal or cooked rice and turned into a face scrub to tap into the plant’s moisturizing properties, which they believe will help with anti-aging and healing wounds. Obviously, you won’t be able to access the nectar of Agave plant. You can always use organic Manuka honey in this scrub recipe. Try this for a month or two and you will clearly see a difference in your skin. This is one of their best beauty secrets.

Beauty Secrets
Adrian Motroc


Sick of pulling dandruff away from your itchy, dry scalp? Australians use tea tree oil to combat this problem. This is one of those tricks where a little bit goes a long way, so it’s well worth the investment. Just add a couple of drops into your shampoo and you will be amazed at the difference. The tea tree oil will moisturise your scalp and prevent all that itching and flaking. You can also use tea tree oil shampoos with the key ingredient included.


You may already know that oats are great for your skin. It’s no wonder; if you’ve ever looked up the nutritional facts on the back of a box of oatmeal, you probably noticed it contains an abundance of minerals and vitamins that your body needs. It turns out that the nutrition that is great for your body as a whole is great for your skin too. Brazilians use oats to ease the pain of a sunburn and speed healing. How do you do it? Next time you get a bad sunburn, tie up some oats in gauze and then position it over the tap for your bathtub. Turn it on and fill the tub, allowing the water to filter through the bag with the oats. Soak in the bath and you’ll get fast relief from your sunburn. Oats have amazing anti-inflammatory healing properties.

Costa Rica

Have large pores on your face which you wish you could shrink? This is a short-term solution, not a long-term one, but it’s a great idea if you just want to shrink your pores for a photo op. Women in Costa Rica combine orange juice and water (in a 50/50 mixture) and use a cotton ball to swab it onto their faces. Wait a few minutes, and then rinse it off, and your pores should be less obvious. Be sure to rinse thoroughly so that you aren’t sticky afterwards, and try to keep the juice out of your hair. This is one of those beauty secrets that can be easily done.

Beauty Secrets
Oz Seyrek


Here is one of the beauty secrets for vibrant skin, this time from South America.  If you have ever wondered how Chilean women get their skin looking so luminous, it turns out the secret is crushed red grapes mixed with white flour!  A handful of grapes is all you need and a couple of tablespoons of flour.  Mix it together, apply it to your face for ten minutes, and wash it off.  You should get a lovely glow to your skin.  This can work wonders if you are used to looking in the mirror at a fatigued complexion.

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