For positivity be a Caremonger and not a Covidiot

Positivity is the key for healthy relationships.
Kyle Bearden

It’s really important to find positivity at this point. As the realisation that we were going into an extended period of lockdown began to dawn, a frenzy of questions started flying around the internet. Many people were wondering what it might mean for positivity, romantic lives, from whether they should still date while social distancing or how to have safe sex during the pandemic.What should you do to keep your relationship positive, happy and healthy during the pandemic?

Lockdown could go one of two ways; it could suddenly mean you spend much more time together or much less. Some relationship experts suggest that couples who do not live together should see self-isolation as an opportunity filled with positivity to “test their strength of feeling” or consider moving in. More than just loneliness, the phenomenon – “skin hunger” – effectively, deprivation of physical affection describes why being able to talk to someone, or see them over video call, is not as fulfilling as having them close. To no surprise you must try on your own part to be a caremonger than a covidiot for an optimistic approach towards your special bond.

Physical Touch & Communication

Physical Touch To Increase Positivity
Sharon McCutcheon

Efforts to replace physical touch with a technological solution – called tele-haptics – range from internet-linked pillows that glow and warm up when the other is being hugged to more intimate devices. In the absence of a loved one, something physically sent by them can help. Good old-fashioned handwritten letters can be the simple yet beautiful tokens of pure love which can sign you up as a caremonger. Communication and negotiation are essential for good quality LDRs.

While being apart, relationship partners can work on themselves and other relationships, such as friendships, which they can bring to the relationship and positively affect it. Long-distance partners can treat their time together as ‘couple time’ and their time apart as ‘individual time’. Some people are better at coping with the unknown than others – a concept psychologists refer to as tolerance for ambiguity. If you are someone who needs predictability and stability – the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is probably depriving you of that.

Couple In Love Spreading Positivity

Those people with a greater tolerance for ambiguity might use a kind of psychological segmentation to make the lockdown feel more orderly and under control. For example, by thinking of time with their partner and time without their partner as two clearly distinguished periods, they might be able to reduce any potential feelings of listlessness. Quarantine is hard for everyone. It leads to boredom, frustration and anger – and some research suggests that these effects might be long-lasting, linking periods in isolation with post-traumatic stress symptoms. Henceforth, you must avoid conflict when you are face to face with your partner because that should be your quality time. Couples isolating together should remember that the stress of quarantine will pass.

Following A Routine

If you really stick to being a caremonger then, create some structure for yourself and for each other. Stick to a routine replete with positivity. If you’re used to waking up, exercising, and making a cup of coffee, do it. Stick to your regular day-to-day as much as possible, or develop a routine that feels uniquely yours in this time of change—and give your partner the freedom to do that as well. Structure lends a sense of order to your time together, and that helps you feel productive and also infuses your life with positivity.

Following a routine for positivity
Joshua Ness

Do not talk too much about the adversities of the CoronaVirus Pandemic and its dreadful consequences as this can bring a lot of stress dipped in negativity, lowering your positive vibes and energy in a jovial relationship during the crisis. Do things that you enjoy together, anything that will get you smiling and relieve stress. Having fun or just relaxing helps you remember why you fell in love with your partner in the first place.

Last, but not the least be sure to be yourself, if you remain positive for every possible hardship then surely you are not going to be a covidiot messing up with every single situation around you. This is the time to show fortitude, to shower warmth upon your loved ones and stick to the silver lining of hope, maintaining your perseverance and dedication towards all your work and relationship values.

Also Read: Activities everyone must do during quarantine