Guide to start a kitchen garden at your home


How great would it be to cook a meal with ingredients fresh out of your own kitchen garden? It can sound really intimidating at first. Here are a few useful tips to grow a kitchen garden at your home.

Find A Spot

The place where you want to grow your plants should get at least 3-4 hours of bright sunlight. Plants you can grow in this type of setting are herbs, vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, cucumber family, etc. If you want to it on a balcony or window grill, try growing your plants soilless. Typical garden soil has a lot of weight plus it leaves a red-brown stain on your walls and parapet when water flows out. Garden soil is also less porous, and hence not very suitable for container growing. Soilless growing is ideal for balconies since the weight of your pots becomes less than half.


Pick A Container

Once the location and growing medium for the kitchen garden are finalised, the growing container needs to be selected. It can be random containers lying around your house if you are not concerned with aesthetics. Or, you can buy plant containers from the store. The size of the containers to be bought depends on the plant you are growing. Herbs require a container preferably 10-12 inches in depth and width. Vegetables require a bigger container preferably something about 18-20 inches wide and have a 20-liter capacity approx.

Pick Your Veggies

Now its time to finalise the herbs and veggies you want to grow in your kitchen garden. Plenty of information is available online about what vegetables are ideal to be started in which months. Herbs generally can be started anytime if you don’t experience extreme weather conditions and have adequate sunlight.


Growing & Taking Care Of The Plant

Grow the plants according to the instructions, there is plenty of information available online or you can even take the help of other fellow kitchen gardeners around you or on social media groups. Give your plants fresh fertilizer once every few weeks depending on the type of plant. Watering advice may vary from location to location and your container size, material, the plant, etc. A good way to know when to water is to put your finger in the soil 1-2 inches deep. If the soil is dry, its time to water it.

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