Know this before you head to your honeymoon


The honeymoon or as we call it the “dream period” is the time when you get to travel to exotic lands with the love of your life. Since this is the first vacation you take as newlyweds, it becomes crucial for you to choose a destination wisely. Here, we outline five practical things you should know when embarking on your honeymoon. Take a look at these things you should know, shortlisted by Wedding Affair.

Its OK not to be in control

You won’t get time to plan every single detail of your honeymoon. You will be so caught up in the madness of the wedding celebrations that you may not find time to get into the intricate details. By all means, it is OK as this is the time you get to unwind, let down your hair, and relax even if things aren’t as planned.

Melt into Bliss

This will be the best time of your life. You will be on cloud nine during the honeymoon period. It will be the dreamy phase when everything appears romantic, and you will be melting with bliss. The exotic locales, cuisines and everything else will keep you so occupied that you’ll start dreading going back to your routine life. It’s completely normal to feel that way. What you should in fact do is make the best of your time together on your special getaway.

Bonding Time

You will bond immensely during this honeymoon period. This is the time when you will spend a lot of quality time with your newly wedded spouse. This is the first time when you’ll be checking in as a married couple and there’s something extremely special and wonderful about that. You’ll form everlasting memories and find yourself recalling many moments from the trip. If you are having doubts about going on this trip, you should understand that this period will give you priceless moments and unmatched experience.

Intimate Time

Sightseeing on honeymoon will take second priority. As a married couple, you will be so wrapped up in each other that you won’t feel like sightseeing as much as cuddling up together. You might want to explore and see new places, but at the same time, that will be secondary to being wrapped up in each other’s arms. You would still be luxuriating in the thought that now, you are finally together and might want to spend a lot of time in the hotel room, just busy revelling in each other’s presence.

Priceless Time

You won’t feel like going home. All said and done, this honeymoon time is priceless. You won’t feel like leaving the warmth and cosiness of this experience, ever! You will be so happy together, just doing the things you love or plain relaxing, that you won’t feel like going home at all. You would want to remain in the environment which feeds your soul and heart with so much exquisite cheer.

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