Reasons why you should switch to green tea


Green tea has several health benefits and is the ultimate drink to soothe the body and the mind. It cleanses the body and has many medical properties. Green tea is made from unoxidised leaves and doesn’t undergo any fermentation process, this results in it retaining the beneficial antioxidants and polyphenols. It is undoubtedly a much healthier alternative to regular tea and health benefits ranging from preventing cancer to controlling diabetes. Here are some more ways in which green tea is beneficial for health.

Prevents tooth decay

It helps in preventing tooth decay as green tea contains the chemical antioxidant known as catechin that helps in fighting viruses and bacteria that cause throat infections and tooth decay.

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Aids weight loss

Green tea speeds up the metabolic processes, thereby helping in weight loss. It consists of polyphenol that boosts metabolism and increases fat oxidation in the body.

Promotes heart health

Most heart diseases are caused by stress and tension. Drinking this tea regularly helps in keeping the blood vessels relaxed and prevents the formation of blood clots.

green tea

Boosts mood

Green tea is said to be effective in fighting depression and significantly improving the mood. Hence, it contains theanine that relaxes the mind and makes you feel calm.

Reduces the risk of cancer

This tea helps in preventing various forms of cancer like bladder, colorectal, lung, prostate, breast, skin, stomach, ovarian, etc. Therefore the polyphenols present in it aid in killing the cancerous cells and prevent their growth.

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