Reviving the Traditional Ways of Fertility

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The key to fertility lies in embracing grandma’s secret formulas, a legacy passed on so graciously that miracles are bound to happen.

Fertility has always been a critical and sensitive subject. The journey to becoming a mother and seeking solace in the feeling of motherhood can become a huge challenge for some women. Fertility issues can have a significant impact on a person’s physical and mental well-being since it comes with the baggage of emotional distress due to disappointments and uncertainty. A woman’s fertility can be affected by a range of variables, including age, medical issues, lifestyle, and mental well-being. That’s what is referred to as the ‘Biological Clock’. Most couples in their twenties or later in life wish to have a biological child and try various fertility procedures to increase the chances of conception. While IVF and other medications are prescribed by doctors, many people still seek comfort in the age-old Ayurvedic traditions and Grandma’s secret to a healthy and fertile body.

Grandma’s tips remain an invaluable compilation of knowledge that gives a comprehensive insight into reproductive health. It acknowledges the need of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit to create an ideal environment for conception and pregnancy. These traditional approaches address every facet of conception, from nutritious meals to specific yoga poses, and stress reduction techniques to acknowledging the mind-body connection. Follow through to know about grandmothers’ recommended tips. It’s all biology, not magic.

Nutrition & Lifestyle

Food and nutrition, as recalled by our mothers and their mother, play a substantial role in enhancing fertility. Nutritious foods like fruits, organic vegetables, whole grains, and proteins are considered to offer the essential building blocks for preparing a fertile environment in the female body. Vitamin E, often shadowed by people in their ‘consciously’ created diets, is considered essential for conception and regulating reproductive health. Gond Katira, consumed during summer, has wonderful results in boosting fertility. Also, red-coloured fruits and vegetables, such as beetroot, radish, tomatoes, red peppers, pomegranates, cherries, apples, cherries, berries, red grapes, etc., are recommended, owing to their putative fertility-boosting characteristics.

hibiscus teaWhile you are trying to nourish your body with rich and nutritious food, it is also important to cultivate an alkaline body, especially for females. In such cases, drinking vegetable juice on an empty stomach works wonders. Furthermore, keeping proper hormonal balance is imperative for increasing fertility as also recommended by doctors. One formula that springs to mind which was traditionally followed by our ancestors is the practice of seed cycling. Seed cycling is a method of maintaining hormone levels by alternating between different seeds at different times of the menstrual cycle. Flax and pumpkin seeds are believed to enhance estrogen over the first 14 days, whereas sesame and sunflower seeds are recommended from Day 14 until the next period. Another Ayurvedic recipe, the preparation of hibiscus tea, has gained a reputation as a hormone-balancing agent and has become a noticeable element in many fertility improvement plans. It is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which help combat free radicals and excessive stress in the body.

Yoga for Fertility

We’re referring to an era when gyms did not conform to the female environment. Hence, women resorted to natural ways like performing household work, lifting heavy pots and practising yoga exercises to keep their reproductive health in place. Yoga and general exercise have long been regarded as a natural and holistic approach to fertility enhancement. Certain postures can help improve reproductive health by increasing blood flow to the pelvic area.

The Butterfly Pose, Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose), Balasana (Child’s Pose), Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Janushershasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend), and Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) are some of the important yoga poses deemed extremely beneficial for boosting fertility. Also, Fish Pose, and Cat and Cow Pose are known to improve posture and ease stress in the female body.

Balancing Mind, and Soul

Grandma’s traditional formulas have spanned generations, yet they remain valuable even today. It not only encompasses the physical elements of diet and herbal remedies, but it also addresses the emotional and spiritual well-being of individuals and couples. As said in the Vedas, if the mother is anxious, it is believed that the baby would suffer as well. As a result, it became crucial to create a positive mindset, minimize stress, and improve the mother’s emotional well-being throughout the journey of conception. Traditional approaches emphasized relaxing techniques such as meditation to cultivate a peaceful environment. Another popular technique is practising mindfulness which has shown tremendous results in women trying to start their maternal journey. It helps in regulating emotions in the body and releases stress related to infertility and childbirth.