Skincare don’ts for the bride-to-be

Skincare Don'ts
Kevin Laminto

As you get closer to your wedding day, it’s important to pay attention to your skin, as it needs to look the best. If you want a radiant skin and want to have the best photos, then we have a skin care plan for you. Wedding Affair brings to you some skincare don’ts that you need to keep in mind and follow for your wedding day.

Use Too Many Products

The aim is to look good but, more importantly, to maintain health and not cause too much damage. Your health yes, but your hair and your skin need the same attention. Don’t use too many heating products on your hair and too much of unnecessary product on your face a couple hours before the wedding. You can have a great complexion by keeping it as simple as possible. Trying too many products can irritate your skin. It’s a good idea to stick to one routine and only wash your face once a day.

Always trust everything on the Internet

Internet is great, but sometimes not all of their recipes are. Be sure to skip things that include vinegar, spices, hydrogen peroxide, egg whites, or citrus.

Drink too much coffee

A cup a day is fine and can be beneficial, but several cups of coffee a day can have a dehydrating effect, which is the last thing you want for your skin. Try to limit it as much as your lifestyle allows.
Skincare Don'ts
Charisse Kenion

Over exfoliate

We told you to exfoliate, but it’s also not something you want to over-do. Some people make the mistake of exfoliating almost every day, which just dries out your skin and can cause irritation. Everything in moderation for your skincare!

Touch your face

It’s much easier said than done, but try as best as you can to avoid touching your face. Spreading the bacteria from your hands to your face is just extra fuel for pimples.
Skincare Don'ts
Christin Hume
Overmassage your skin
A facial massage can be a great way to relieve stress, improve elasticity, and promote a healthy glow, but too much can irritate skin and worsen acne.
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