Think fashion in Bollywood, think Sonam Kapoor! The Raanjhnaa-star has won a million Indian and global hearts just with her OTT sense of fashion. And not just her fashion expertise, her beautiful love story with husband Anand Ahuja and her badass attitude has always been the talk of the town. The actress’ career boasts of interesting cinematic choices and some splendid work in amazing movies like ‘Padman’ and ‘Neerja’. As the ultimate style queen celebrates her birthday today, Wedding Affair has curated a Sonam Kapoor fashion board. Have a look at these interesting aspects of her personal style that make her the fashion diva of Bollywood.
The Understated Elegance
The Bollywood star is the ultimate queen when it comes to bringing the maximum out of minimalistic looks. In the picture, she has styled the custom Manish Malhotra saree with Bvlgari jewels and minimal elegance. With rhinestones placed in the corner of her eyes, she takes the look several notches higher. The beauty totally nails all her saree looks.
The Ruler of Red Carpets
If there is one star who can not go wrong with a red carpet look, that is Sonam Kapoor. Her Cannes red carpet looks are among the most-awaited ones every year. Even in Indian award shows’ red carpets, she totally nails her appearances. For instance, this Elie Saab look at Cannes 2018 won many hearts across the globe. She looked like a princess in the delicate pink gown. Her hair and makeup also accentuated her entire delicate aura.
All that Glitters is Gold
The original ‘Masakali’ of Bollywood, Sonam Kapoor sure knows how to elevate her looks with all that bling. She exudes the lustre of pure gold in this Peter Dundas embellished pantsuit. Finished with Bvlgari jewels and smokey eyes, her look is formal yet fun. The diva looks red carpet ready in this stunning photograph.
Queen of Prints
There is no other in Bollywood who can carry ‘print-on-print’ as Sonam does. The Zoya Factor actress likes to always keep it in style. In this picture, the actress goes bold with prints in the streets of London. The actress has styled an Erdem attire for this look. The yellow printed jacket top with a full-length skirt of the same prints look beautiful and vibrant. With white boots and neutral accessories, the actress just steals the show with this outfit.
Bold with Accessories
Sonam Kapoor loves her accessories. And she likes to keep them bold. She gets as experimental with her accessories as she does with her outfits. Her choice of necklaces and bags is the one to die for. In this picture, the actress styles an experimental necklace by Rhea Kapoor x Pipa Bella. Complete with matching bracelet and nude outfit, Kapoor looks phenomenal as usual in this look.
Rocks Androgynous Outfits
Earlier everyone had only seen Blake Lively popularly rocking the androgynous outfits. But our one and only true Bollywood diva, Sonam Kapoor, is not far behind in rocking these ‘gender-less’ pantsuits. In fact, Kapoor looks simply gorgeous in this Ralph Lauren suit for a formal event. The stilettos and the box bag go perfectly with her bow-tie look. Honestly, we would love to see more of these from the fashion star.
Monochromatic Wonder
Evidently, Sonam Kapoor loves to go monochrome every now and then. And her red monochrome looks are our absolute favourites. Whether she goes casual or formal, her outfits are always on point. For instance, in this photo, Kapoor styled a red denim shirt with the same denim trousers with a cape. She looked like a floating diva in this look. The outfit is by ‘Notebook’ and it nails every aspect of her look. Her hoops and neutral makeup finish the look beautifully.