Things To Keep In Mind While Planning Your Best Friend’s Wedding


There are numerous brides who wish to have their best friend by their side at each and every step of the wedding planning. Having a best friend beside, takes the edge off the bride’s anxieties. Best friends literally make life easier for the going-to-be brides. From the bridal shower to weddings, the bride actually count on her girlfriend to hold the fort for her while she gets busy dealing with a tornado of emotions. The involvement of a friend in the planning actually makes the bride’s days pass easy. Wedding Affair shares the top 5 things to keep in mind, if you are planning your best friend’s wedding. 

1. A Surprise Bridal Shower


An unexpected bridal shower shall totally overwhelm your best friend. Make sure that you have the date, theme and venue decided in advance. 

2. Appreciate The Bride’s Choices


The bride is going to turn to you for a number of suggestions. At this point, she trusts you more than her own instincts. Make sure you that you give her the right suggestions and honest answers to her questions. 

3. Help Her With The Dress


Don’t forget to make it to the day way earlier than the wedding guests. Help her get look like a princess. Don’t forget to shower compliments on her, as she will need a lot of assurances. 

4. Photography

witty vows

Before your best friend is stolen away by the man of her dreams, get some ultra-sassy pictures clicked with her. Keep enough photographs of your bride squad so you can look back and cherish the good old days once she gets hitched. 

5. Makeup


You never know when you are needed and who might not show up at the last moment. If the makeup artist ditches at the lost moment, it is only you who can help her out of the situation. Be prepared!