Ways to boost beauty sleep & relieve stress


If the past year has totally messed up your sleeping habits, you’re not alone. Not only has the global pandemic interfered with our daily routines but our sleeping patterns too. From health battles to money problems and the lack of movement caused by WFH, there’s no denying our stress levels have skyrocketed and our sleep has suffered. Right now, the world’s finally waking up and realizing just how important sleep is to your mental and physical health. Here are some suggestions for ways to improve your sleep and relieve stress.

Bedtime Tea

Valerian root tea is the best tea for sleep as it contains natural antioxidants, alkaloids, and gamma-aminobutyric acid, which promote a healthy sleep cycle. It can even help ease muscle pain and will calm your mind. It has a very potent taste, so you may want to find a tea that contains valerian root or add a peppermint tea bag to mask the taste.

A Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets have become increasingly popular over the last year, praised for their sleep-inducing abilities. For those of you who may not know, weighted blankets are therapeutic blankets that weigh between five to 30 pounds, and are recommended for anyone with sleep issues, anxiety, and even autism. The pressure from the weighted blanket will trigger the nervous response system that lowers your heart rate, breathing, and anxiety, which will, in turn, help you sleep.

Pillow Spray

Sleep sprays contain essential oils to promote sleep, and just like the weighted blanket, it will trigger the nervous response system to calm down the brain. These are formulated with a sleep-happy blend of lavender, chamomile, and vetivert to aid relaxation.

Essential Oils

If you’re looking for a more natural solution, essential oils as they help relieve stress and anxiety, enabling you to fall asleep more easily. Essential oils include lavender, chamomile, valerian, bergamot, sandalwood oil, sage, and sweet mandarin. Simply apply them to your pressure points 30 minutes before you sleep. Just remember one drop is plenty, and if you have sensitive skin, then try mixing a drop with a carrier oil, like coconut or jojoba oil.

Magnesium Capsules

Magnesium is incredible for sleep. Again, we know it has such a positive effect as it relaxes the central nervous system. In fact, magnesium increases a neurotransmitter called gaba in your brain, which encourages relaxation as well as sleep. On the contrary, low gaba levels in the body makes it difficult to relax.

Epsom Salt

A warm bath with Epsom salts is another ritual that promotes healthy rest, as Epsom salts contain… Magnesium. The absorbency of magnesium in Epsom salts is actually five times higher than a capsule, as it’s absorbed at a much quicker rate. Another major bonus of taking a warm bath is it’ll help lower your body temperature, as when you step out of the bath, the moisture will evaporate from your skin, which in turn will cool you down.

Sleep Mask

Research shows an eye mask can help increase your REM rest, which then elevates levels of melatonin – the essential sleep hormone, as it offers almost complete darkness.

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