World AIDS Day: How to Have a Healthy Married Sex Life

aids day

On the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1st December 2024, let’s talk about the importance of sexual health and how to maintain it in married life.

On December 1st 2024, the World Health Organization joins partners and communities to celebrate World AIDS Day under the theme “Take the rights path: My health, my right!” This year’s campaign calls on global leaders and citizens to address the inequalities that hinder the progress on the mission of ending AIDS worldwide. Let’s take this righteous moment of AIDS Day as an opportunity to talk about the importance of sexual health and discover ways to maintain it in married life.

Marriage and Sexuality

marriage sex

Sexuality in marriage can change over time, and it is absolutely normal. As years go by, the intimacy between partners is supposed to get better and they should be more and more comfortable around each other. But with time sex can get monotonous and boring, creating problems in the relationship. Over time, couples may often forget that STDs and STIs are still a possibility in long-term married couples. On the occasion of World AIDS Day, let’s reflect on how sexual health can be a major concern for married couples.

STDs or STIs in Married Couples


Sexually transmitted infections or STIs can appear in married couples even after a long-term marriage, as anyone sexually active can get them regardless of their marital status. Other than sexual activities, these diseases can also be transmitted through blood or blood products. Some even can catch these diseases by injecting drugs and having a history of STIs. For some, STDs and STIs can be asymptomatic, which means they are only a carrier of the diseases. This can cause resurfacing of the symptoms later or spreading it to their spouse in married life.

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What to Do?

It is important to create a healthy sex life in your marriage for the sake of a happy relationship as well as physical health. Married couples should be aware of their sexual health not only on AIDS Day but also throughout the year. Here are the ways one can maintain a healthy married sex life.


Communication is the key to a healthy and active sex life in a long-term relationship. Talk with one another more and talk about deeper things regularly to create a deeper level of intimacy. Share your innermost thoughts and ask your partner about their desires. True intimacy can only be achieved through healthy communication.

Plan Beforehand

When life becomes hectic with schedules, you need to pre-plan the fun things to keep life fun and exciting. And sexual activities are no different. If you want to have good sex at night, you have to start good foreplay in the morning. Flirt throughout the day, build up the romance and have fun.

Take Good Care

A healthy marriage sexuality depends on the overall health of the couple – including physical, emotional and mental health. Take good care of your health, follow a healthy diet, have enough sleep, exercise and practise mental health care. Do regular checkups of your sexual health too. Remember, even after being married, you should always regularly visit gynaecologists to make sure your marriage sexuality is healthy and safe.

Be Compassionate

Understand your spouse’s expectations, desires, needs, likes and dislikes. Respect their sexual style and comfort level. Know and understand each other’s love language to make your marriage sexuality healthy. Don’t compare your partner with anyone else. Instead, communicate and work together.

Seek Help

When in need, don’t shy away from seeking professional help. Go to a doctor, couples therapist or whomever you think will be able to help you and your marriage.

Read Also: How to Share Your Sex Fantasies with Your Partner

Remember, it is natural to have problems with marriage sexuality with time. But with the right steps, you can avoid the ebb and flow.