India all-rounder Hardik Pandya confirmed his relationship with actor Natasa Stankovic by making it official on social media. Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya also makes it to the headlines for his off-field activities. On new year’s eve, Hardik Pandya took to his Instagram handle to share a picture with his lady love and wrote: “Starting the year with my firework.”
While Hardik Pandya on Wednesday announced his engagement to Serbian model Natasa Stankovic, who rose to fame with Badshah’s music video DJ Wale Babu, has created a name for herself through reality shows and music videos. She has also appeared in a few films. Now, the couple is spending their New Year’s day in Dubai.
Hardik Pandya took to social media to post a photo of himself and Natasa Stankovic in which she can be seen wearing her engagement ring.
“Mai tera, Tu meri jaane, saara Hindustan. 01.01.2020 #engaged,” Hardik Pandya wrote as a caption for his post.
Hardik Pandya has uploaded a couple of photos in which he can be seen spending time with Natasa Stankovic and their close friends. In a short clip that he has uploaded, Hardik and Natasa are dancing to a Bollywood romantic number sung by his friends and then sealed it with a kiss on the cruise.