Sex tips for your first night

Verywell Mind

Having sex after your wedding is the most awaited moment for a newly married couple as they start off with a new journey trusting each other. In our culture, there is a myth about wedding night sex: every bride and groom will have the best sex of their lives on their wedding nights. It is a silly notion, as that might not be the case for many of us, but there are things you and your partner can do to make the moment memorable.

  1. Savour the moment. You will in all likelihood be a little too tired to have the most incredible sex of your lives, but simply appreciate being together.
  2. Between the pressure, the booze and the sheer exhaustion, this will not be a recipe for the best sex you have ever had and that’s okay. Just try to enjoy whatever happens.
  3. Before you get into it, spend some time relaxing by talking about the wedding and your love for each other. Let things get romantic and sappy, or, if it turns you on, get a little dirty. The sex that follows will be intimate and amazing.
  4. If you are too tired for foreplay, then sex itself is not going to be so great. It would be better to wait until the morning. You will still be in your wedding night bed with the excitement and adrenaline of the day before, but you will be actually more rested and ready to go.

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  5. It can be easy to spend the whole wedding greeting guests, cutting the cake and tending to a thousand other details, but remember why you are there in the first place. Don’t forget to stop, stare into each other’s eyes, share a few extra kisses and flirt with each other. It will help build the excitement for your alone time later.
  6. Many couples try this to make the wedding night sex fresh and new again. Others go even further by giving up sex months before the wedding. So that they may be virgin-like on the wedding night. So, these ideas are complete failures and you must not try them.
  7. Your wedding night can be a fun night to experiment and be a little more adventurous. It is the start of a new chapter in your lives. So why should not it also be the start of a new chapter in your sex life?
  8. Wear Something Special. Wedding night lingerie can really help set the mood. Pick something a little different than what you usually wear to excite your partner. Make sure you feel confident in it, as a confident lover is always a better lover. Don’t forget that sexy underwear isn’t just for ladies! Guys can also splurge on something that makes them feel powerful and alluring.
  9. Set the Stage. Help yourselves get into the mood by setting the stage. Light some candles, play romantic music, scatter rose petals or do whatever else helps you get in the mood. Do not be afraid to kick out your friends and family right away because it is your wedding night. They might tease you for it, but they will certainly understand. 

Even if you follow these tips, you may find that you suffer exhaustion or feel tipsy. To have sex, both of which are perfectly understandable. And if one of you falls asleep or is not in the mood, then always remember that it is not a prediction of a doomed marriage. Spend the time relaxing and reflecting on how wonderful your wedding day was. You will definitely have a lifetime together to recreate the breathtaking moment.

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