Old Fashioned Grandma Beauty Tips and Tricks for Glowing Skin

Turmeric face pack

“Beauty comes from within,’

Indian women have traditionally used only naturally grown, locally obtained foods for body, skin, and hair health. Many grandmothers and moms may sneer at the new beauty products on store shelves every day. Sure, beauty demands evolve with the times and new routines and lifestyles, but a few tried-and-true components can always help you enhance your natural beauty.

Your skin might develop sensitivity to the chemicals in beauty products over time and with abuse. Replace the harsh substances with healing, relaxing, and organic (not to mention considerably less expensive) ingredients found in every Indian home and local shop. Whatever the issue, the Indian beauty bag has something for everyone.

Mitti Multani as a scrub/mask

Multani mitti face pack

Multani mitti, also known as Fuller’s Earth, is a natural remedy for oily skin. It’s fantastic as an exfoliant and cleanser, and it’s traditionally used as a face pack to absorb excess sebum. Multani mitti is essentially a natural clay that may be used to cleanse the face, body, and hair. Use it as a body scrub and mask with yogurt and honey to eliminate impurities from the skin. Face masks from Fuller’s Earth moisturize and cleanse the skin.

Use of ghee

Ghee as a moisturizer

Ghee is a natural moisturizer rich in “good fats” that nourishes the body both inside and out. Ghee is a healthy alternative to heavy body butter and thick creams. It can be used to repair dry, cracked skin, as an overnight lip mask, and soothe redness and burns. Ghee is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and is beneficial to your brain and heart. Take one spoon with each meal or a glass of hot water first thing in the morning.

Ghee is a potent moisturizer that can instantly heal dry spots and burns.

It is true that the more you care.

The more you pay. As a result, the more you agitate those pimples, the more you try to smooth out your hair, and the more you adjust those blackheads, the more they will trouble you. Don’t ignore these issues entirely, but don’t be hell-bent on destroying your schedule and existence for that one thing. It will make you cynical, but it will also make you irritable, hastening your aging process.

Besan/gram flour face mask

Use gram face pack

Besan is a wonderfully hydrating, exfoliating, and cleansing ingredient from Indian kitchens. Every Indian lady has used it as a face mask or body cleanser. Because besan is a drying ingredient, it’s usually combined with other natural moisturizers like yogurt, honey, and milk for supple, clean skin. It is never too harsh on the skin because it is all natural.


Turmeric face pack

Turmeric, also known as Haldi, has its ceremony at Indian weddings, so you know it’s tried and true. Turmeric is a powerful spice with antibacterial effects that help with everything from acne to sore throats. It gives the skin a natural glow and cures and relaxes the body from within when taken. A glass of warm milk with a pinch of turmeric is supposed to help you sleep better and feel more energized.

Turmeric’s antiseptic and antibacterial characteristics have made it a beauty staple in India. It also imparts a healthy golden glow to the complexion.

Rosewater as a toner

Use rosewater as a toner

Rosewater’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics have made it a popular element in cosmetics. It is, however, best used in its purest form as a pure liquid. Rosewater is a natural toner for oily skin extracted from rose petals and helps balance the skin’s “pH levels s It “It’s also soothing and cooling, making it ideal for acne, redness, scars, and burns. Rosewater is a natural skin toner that works well.

Do housekeeping duty

According to grandma, you’ll have a glowing face if you do one housekeeping duty religiously. Put all of your negative energy into one action that takes time and requires a lot of physical effort. Cleaning the bathroom, cleaning kitchenware, washing clothes, and so on. These exercises finally leave little time, space, or energy for frustration, resulting in a wrinkle-free face.

Make sure to Keep your head covered when you go out.

Keep your head cover

Though we are not diehard feminists or patriarchal in my approach and attitude. I always cover my head when I go out during the torture period, from April to October. Not out of respect for tradition, but to shield my face from the sun’s harsh beams. This makes many older adults at home happy. The rule is that rather than treating browned skin, why not protect it? This also aids in the protection of my hair.

Put your vegetables on.

Delicious sauteed vegetables.

Grandma urged me to apply fruit and vegetable peels on my skin when we were little girls. She showed me how to massage the inner peels of mangoes, avocados, and apples on my face and hands instead of throwing them away, saying that her mother taught her the same thing when she was a little child. They turn out to be fantastic natural moisturizers with nutrient-rich advantages for the skin. You can find me looking like The Incredible Hulk after eating an avocado!