Manish Malhotra, the celebrated fashion designer renowned for his trend-setting Bollywood styles, recently hosted a grand Bridal Couture show in Mumbai that left fashion enthusiasts in awe. The event at the prestigious Jio Convention Centre was graced by the famous Bollywood stars Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt, who turned showstoppers for this big-scale fashion spectacle. With a guest list boasting some of the biggest names from the film industry, including Deepika Padukone, Karan Johar, Kajol, and many others, the Manish Malhotra Bridal Couture Show became an unforgettable affair.
The Radiating Bridal and Groom Glamour
The audience was spellbound as Alia Bhatt unleashed the mesmerising bridal glam that Manish Malhotra brides are known to embody. The actress looked regal in a silver lehenga, intricately embellished and swathed in sequinned beauty. Unlike her simple ivory saree at her intimate wedding, Alia’s high-octane, glam-loving avatar at the fashion show stole the spotlight.
The lehenga’s exquisite craftsmanship and luxurious embellishments perfectly complemented Alia’s beauty and poise on the runway. Her flowing open hair and minimal makeup added a touch of understated elegance, reminding everyone of her dreamy wedding photos with Ranbir Kapoor.
On the other hand, Ranveer Singh set a remarkable example of groom wedding fashion in an ornate beige and ivory sherwani adorned with glitzy embellishments and intricate embroidery. His charismatic presence and infectious energy added an aura of grandeur to the event. The sherwani’s exquisite details and the way Ranveer carried it with his signature panache garnered admiration from everyone present.
The Breathtaking Ensembles
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Manish Malhotra’s Bridal Couture Show was a mesmerising display of craftsmanship and artistry. The runway witnessed models sashaying down gracefully, showcasing an elaborate range of wedding wear that enchanted the audience. Each ensemble was a work of art, blending traditional elements with contemporary designs.
The lehengas exhibited a perfect fusion of opulence and elegance. Embroidered with intricate patterns, adorned with sequins, and complemented with rich fabrics, the lehengas evoked a sense of grandeur and romance. The colour palette ranged from pastel hues to vibrant shades, catering to every bride’s preference.
Tuxedo Bridal Wear
The show also witnessed a unique twist with tuxedo bridal wear for contemporary brides. The unconventional yet stylish fusion of Indian and Western elements added a fresh perspective to the bridal couture.
Star-Studded Guests: Adding Glitz and Glamour
Undoubtedly, the biggest attraction of the Manish Malhotra Bridal Couture Show was its star-studded guest list. The leading pair of “Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani,” Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt captivated the entire audience. Their on-screen chemistry was evident as they walked the ramp, exuding charm and grace.
Deepika Padukone, Ranveer’s beloved wife, arrived in style to cheer for her husband as he walked the ramp. Her off-white net saree paired with a heavily embroidered halter-neck blouse gave her an ethereal look.
The diamond-emerald jewellery added a touch of sophistication, and her classic red lips and winged eyeliner enhanced her timeless beauty. Deepika’s elegance and grace added an extra layer of allure to the already glimmering event. Interestingly, she was accompanied by her mother-in-law, Anju Bhavnani, who joined the celebration alongside director Karan Johar, making it a family affair full of love and support.
Kajol’s Stunning Appearance
Kajol, another Bollywood diva, stunned the audience in Manish Malhotra’s sequined Fuchsia pink saree. While her sister Tanisha’s striking appearance was noted, Kajol’s elegant saree truly stole the spotlight. The ombre saree and a satin strappy blouse accentuated her beauty and complimented her effervescent personality. With her straight hair, pink lips, and subtle yet accentuated makeup, Kajol mesmerised onlookers, proving her timeless beauty and flair for style.
Manish Malhotra’s Bridal Couture Show was extravagant, with Bollywood glamour at its finest. The presence of renowned stars like Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone, Karan Johar, and Kajol added charm to the event. The designer’s exquisite ensembles left everyone enthralled, proving why Manish Malhotra remains a beloved icon in fashion and Bollywood. The event truly celebrated the beauty, style, and magic of Indian weddings, showcasing the perfect blend of tradition and contemporary trends. The Manish Malhotra Bridal Couture Show will be etched in the hearts of fashion enthusiasts and Bollywood aficionados as an unforgettable night of glitz, glamour, and breathtaking designs.