3 easy steps to kick start your self care journey


Self-care has been defined as the process of taking care of oneself with behaviours that promote health and active management of illness when it occurs.

But it is easily ignored or misinterpreted by many people. self-care is not just taking care of your body but its  different because it’s about allowing yourself to have a nurturing experience of life right now as opposed to when you work harder in the future. Here are 3 easy steps for internal self care which will help you start your journey to caring about your mental and physical self  

Move your body 

Moving your body is an important factor for day-to-day functioning, but it doesn’t have to be excruciating. Moderate-intensity activities such as walking and gardening offer substantial health benefits, particularly when they include a social component.

Cultivate relationship 

Cultivate friendships, rekindle past relationships and take advantage of opportunities at work or among neighbors to expand your friendship base. Friendships can have a huge impact on mental health and happiness. Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness and isolation, and may even strengthen physical health.

Maintain a journal 

Keeping a journal or writing your own life’s story can be therapeutic and can give you a perspective on what you have achieved. It may also offer the opportunity to address unresolved issues or simply a place to express gratitude on a regular basis.