8 Indian Wedding Traditions and Their Meanings

Indian wedding tradition

There are numerous Indian wedding traditions. But what are the true meanings behind these customs and rituals?

When people think of Indian weddings, they think of vibrant colours, lively celebrations, hearty food, and diverse rituals. These are all part of the wedding and the rituals and traditions play a big role in the wedding ceremony. Weddings in India are not only just gorgeous outfits and vibrant celebrations, it’s the beginning of a prominent chapter of a couple’s lives. Hence, the traditions that have been passed on to us by our ancestors have been practised for thousands of years and have distinct meanings and reasons. Today when we perform the ceremony, we usually don’t even know the meanings behind these wedding traditions.

weddingAlthough the customs can vary from region to region, there are some common traditions that can be seen in almost every Hindu wedding. Here is a list of 8 of the most common Indian wedding traditions with their actual meanings.


haldiHaldi is one of the first ceremonies in the long list of Hindu wedding rituals. In the haldi ceremony, a mixture of turmeric, sandalwood, water, and oil is made and then applied to the face and other body parts of the bride and groom. This ritual is believed to get the couple good luck and rid them of negativity or evil spirits. Simultaneously it brings nikhaar or glow to the bride and groom’s skin before their D-day.


mehendiMehendi is a ceremony where the bride-to-be’s hands and legs are adorned with designs made of mehendi or henna. While it makes the bride look more beautiful, a traditional mehendi ceremony requires the bride to write her groom’s name on her hand. Later the groom has to find the name among the intricate designs with patience. It is a test of patience for the groom. Also, it is believed that the darker the shade of the henna, the more will be the love between the couple.

Read Also: The Significance Of Mehendi In Indian Weddings


sangeetSangeet is the ceremony where the families and friends of the couple can just let their hair down. Both the families gathering and enjoying songs and dance performances is a way for them to mingle and get to know each other before the big day.


baaratBaraat is the wedding possession where the groom arrives at the wedding venue on a decorated horse, with his family and friends. While this wedding tradition doesn’t hold any specific significance, it is one of the most enjoyable customs in Indian weddings. Also, it symbolises the groom’s journey to ask for the bride’s hand and formally joining two families into one.

Read Also: Adorable Rituals in Indian Weddings


varmalaThe Varmaala ceremony, otherwise known as Jaimala, has its origin in the holy scriptures of Hinduism. In ancient times, a girl would choose her groom by putting a garland around his neck. The ceremony of exchanging garlands represents acceptance, where the bride and groom accept each other as husband and wife.


kanyadanWhen a daughter gets married, the man who will hold her hand in her time of need is no longer her father, This is why Kanyadaan is an extremely emotional ritual. Putting aside all the controversy, let’s look into the history of this tradition. The father of the bride places the bride’s hand on top of the groom’s hand, officially giving away his daughter.


phereThe saat phere represents seven wedding vows in Indian weddings. This popular ritual includes the bride and groom taking rounds of the fire and making 7 promises to each other. These promises are meant to ensure a happy and prosperous married life, creating a stronger bond between the couple and fulfilling their needs.



Vidai is the most emotional Indian wedding tradition, especially for the bride and her family. The bride says goodbye to her family as she leaves with her husband. The bride tosses rice behind as a sacred way of blessing and thanking her family.

All these traditions are different from each other and they have distinctive beauty among them. These are what make Indian weddings fun, sentimental, and truly amazing.