Plan out your pre-wedding shoot with these prolific themes


As beautiful and charming as your post-wedding feel is, equally exciting are the pre-wedding events and all the other aspects related to the same. While we speak of pre-wedding charms, have you ever thought of pre-wedding shoot ideas to kickstart your new life with a memorable and loving pre-wedding shoot? If not then here we have a few brilliant pre-wedding themes for you and your beloved.

The regal affair


Well, who doesn’t like a royal and regal affair especially when it comes to your pre-wedding shoot? You can actually find a perfect and royal-looking resort or some location that gives you the #RoyalFamily kind vibes. Think of yourself and your beloved nothing less than a king and a queen of some dynasty. Pose your way into the regal and royal essence of your love.

A quirky theme

If you have been dating your partner since when you were in school, well then there is no harm in revisiting your #OldSchool days. Sounds really weird, but you can always think of getting your pre-wedding shoot back in your school. Of course, you’ll have to take permission and stuff, but just imagine if this idea gets executed then imagine how fun and quirky it would be to relive those moments or your pre-wedding shoot.

Recreating your proposal

Remember when you proposed to your beloved? Well, if you do then you should probably get ready to relive those moments as it’ll be a great idea to recreate your proposal and plan it out for your pre-wedding. This way you’ll be able to relive the moment you said ‘yes’ and your pre-wedding shoot will also be all fun and romantic.

Beachy affair


This is one of the coolest ways to ring in your pre-wedding shoot. Because c’mon who wouldn’t like a beach view alongside their beloved? So, get ready to book your flight tickets for a dashing beach location and get yourself clicked in the most romantic way ever.

Also read: 101 Guide into Dealing with pre-wedding jitters: Bridal edition

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