Home Astrology


Know The Treasures Your Future Holds For You

Getting Married? In Love? Out of Love ? you can ask away all your worries....

Selecting Your Wedding Date Based on Planetary Alignments

When it comes to planning an Indian wedding, there are countless details to consider. From the venue and guest list to the food and...

Challеngеs and Blеssings: Rеtrogradе Planеts and Thеir Impact on Hindu Marriagеs

In thе kalеidoscopе of Hindu weddings, whеrе traditions, rituals, and cеlеstial alignmеnts convеrgе, onе intriguing aspеct that oftеn еscapеs thе attеntion of many is...

Listing the four most romantic zodiacs

we have the four most romantic zodiacs listed for you below. Suit yourself and choose the one you want to be with.

Love birds and Married couples what is on hold for you...

There is no saying to what the future holds but we can try to understand where we stand and correct ourselves according to our...

The Month Of Zodiac Sign: Leo

We might be a little late in our series of ‘The Month Of Zodiac Sign’ but here we are with a bang! Introducing you...

Mercury Retrograde and Wedding Planning

So, you're diving into the beautiful chaos of planning an Indian wedding, a celebration woven with vibrant traditions, colors, and love. But wait, Mercury...

Astrology And Marriage: Predicting Longevity Based On Composite Charts

Marriage, in Indian culture, is not just a union of two individuals; it's the coming together of two families, a sacred bond that carries...

Zodiac-Inspired Wedding Favors: Gifts Aligned With Guests’ Birth Signs

Your wedding day is a magical celebration of love, and every detail should reflect your unique journey and personalities. One way to make your...

Zodiac signs that party the hardest 

Naturally, every person is not like that but you can see these traits from these zodiac signs. 

Predicting Wedding Trends Based on Planetary Movements

Welcome, dear readers, to a celestial journey where ancient wisdom meets modern trends. In the vibrant tapestry of Indian weddings, astrology plays a significant...

Dating Your Libra Man 

Incredibly entertaining, intelligent and quick-witted, a Libra man is friendly and adorable. He is seldom decisive. He would prefer that his date make the...