Bridal Care

Monsoon Skincare Rituals: Pampering Your Skin in Rainy Weather

As the soothing monsoon rain breathes new life into the world, your skin, too, deserves a rejuvenating and revitalising routine to match the season's...

Hair Care 101 For Brides-To-Be

Indian brides-to-be spend a lot of time and effort planning their dream wedding, and their hair is an essential part of their bridal look....

Winter Bridal Hair Care

This winter season, it is so very important to take care of your tresses because the season renders frizzy hair, dry strand’s texture, dandruff,...

Guide to Bridal Health Regime: Healthy Ways To Keep You Calm...

The Indian bridal health regime is a comprehensive plan that helps brides-to-be achieve optimal health and beauty for their wedding day. This regime includes...

Skincare rules to start following 6 months before marriage.

Like picking a wedding lehenga or the perfect decorations, you need to be more prepared about your skin as well .but it all depends...

Get Rid Of Body Acne Before Your D-Day

Body acne can be a frustrating and unsightly problem, especially when you're preparing for an important event like your wedding day. However, there are...

Ultimate Summer Skincare Regime For Dehydrating Skin

The summer months are here, which is going to cause your skin to feel dehydrated. You must maintain a skincare routine because your skin...

Home Remedies To Lighten Underarms

We routinely take precautions and effort to improve the elements of the body that are visible, but in the process, we overlook the areas...

K Beauty: Korean Glass Skin With Natural Ingredients

The craze of K-Drama has already swept the globe. The fan following of K-dramas in India and across the world is commendable. Apart from...

Choose The Perfect Bridal Lehenga For Your Body Shape

A wedding is the day when dreams take center stage and love is in the air. The search for the perfect bridal lehenga can...

Anti-Ageing Ingredients To Add To Your 20’s Skincare

Even though ageing is a concern for all of us, we ignore it when it first begins. We immediately think that we are still...

‘Skin Cycling’ Approved

Today, it goes without saying that social media is the abode of several viral beauty fads. Videos with the most views usually have the...