Guide To Female Orgasm: Oral Sex Tips And Techniques

Oral Sex Tips - Female Orgasm - Wedding Affair

When it comes to having sex, like really good sex, there is one element that spices up the whole sexual play – oral sexOral sex works like magic, especially for women (vulva owners). Let’s break it down for you, researchers have found that 80% to 90% of women (vulva owners) are unable to achieve orgasm with penetrative sex alone. A sensual act that makes women curl their toes and roll their eyes is oral sex. While many consider oral sex as a part of foreplay, let’s burst out this myth for you, oral sex is sex! And it is more pleasurable than penetrative sex. 

Female orgasms are tough, men if you are dating someone and just really want to give passionate oral sex then this is your guide to take her to a new world of pleasure and girls if your man is all in to give you a pleasurable head but lacks some sexy tips then send this article to him to get him going like a pro. 

What Is Oral Sex? 

Any sexual activity that involves using the mouth on a partner’s intimate areas is called oral sex. It includes sucking, licking or stimulating the vulva by using the tongue or lips. It is also called cunnilingus or fellatio. 

A Route For Female Orgasm 

Tips For Creating The Anticipation 

For many women, orgasm is physical as well as mental. One needs to feel relaxed and totally in the mood to get an orgasm. Here are a few erogenous zones and tips that you can do before burying your face in the area. 

Focus On The Neck Area 

The neck is one of the most sensitive areas. See your girl melt while you kiss, lick or suck her neck. It will raise the ecstasy bringing your girl in the mood. Start slowly nibbling on the neck then kissing and later switching to sucking the neck. 

Breast/Nipple Play 

Breasts are the most tantalizing erogenous zones. Caressing, sucking, kissing, and biting sensations on and around the nipple can feel heavenly. Gently cupping the breasts can turn on your partner. 

Inner Thighs First!

Plant a few kisses or gently lick the inner thighs before diving into the clit. This act will build up the anticipation. Let your hands explore the other areas like caressing the lower belly or grabbing a breast while your mouth is at work. 

Keep The Panties On 

Gently stroke the vulva or clit with the underwear still on, this act will raise the heat and will leave your partner wanting more. When you feel it’s time, you can simply pull their underwear to the side and delve into the region. 

Oral Sex Techniques

Mix Of Breathe And Tongue 

Exhale heavily right above their panties so that they can feel the heating sensation. Rub your tongue or your nose while your partner’s underwear is still on. This mix-up of hot breath and cool sensation will run chills down their spine. 

Tips For Clitorial Stimulation 

If you don’t know it yet, let us tell you the clitoris is the only part through which a woman (vulva owners) can orgasm. Other parts like the labia and surrounding area can raise the anticipation but clit is the part where the magic happens transcending your partner to a new realm of pleasure. The clitoris is the sensitive area located on the top of the vulva having many nerve endings, making it the most sensual part of a female anatomy. So pay all your focus to the pea-sized hood known as clit or clitoris.

Let Your Tongue Do The Magic 

It is rightly said that slow and steady wins the race. Start slow and keep your pace steady, Slowly move your tongue around the clit to build the sensation. 

Lick It Up And Down Or Side To Side 

Focusing on the clit, move your tongue up and down, this is a usual way of giving oral sex to your partner. You can also try going side to side, whatever suits your partner. Keep track of which technique your partner is responding to more or you can simply ask them how they like it. 

Oral Sex Tips

Sucking On It Goes A Long Way 

Sucking on the clit is enjoyed by many women. Your partner may or may not like it. But, there is no harm in trying, right? Do not suck the clitoris too hard, start by slowly sucking it with your lips and then with your lips and tongue altogether. 

Moving The Tongue In Figure 8 Motion 

You can also try a figure 8 motion on the clit and then licking the labia. Some like it rough and some like it soft, it is necessary to know your partner’s pace and follow the pace. 

Stick To The Rhythm 

It is a myth that orgasms can happen within minutes. Every woman is different, every vulva is different and it takes different time, techniques and methods to make them orgasm. If your partner shows signs of enjoying what you are doing stay consistent and do not switch the speed, pace or position you might lose the flow. 

Tips For Extra Fun – Extra Stimulation 

Many women (vulva owners) enjoy only clitorial stimulation but others may prefer extra love and hotness with extra stimulation such as penetration.  

Spread The Labia 

Spreading the lips (or the labia) will give you more exposure and a higher level of intensity. You can now focus on the clit more easily and your partner will feel everything more intensely. 

Kiss Or Lick The Labia 

The lips (or the labia) are sensitive too. Try stimulating the area (both outer and inner lips) with your wet tongue for extra sensation. 

Oral Sex - Female Orgasm

Try Putting A Finger Or Two In

If your partner is into penetration while oral sex then you can try penetrating the vagina with a finger or two. Lightly move your fingers inside and circle the g-spot while your mouth focuses on licking the little hood – the clit. 

Tongue Penetration 

Tongue penetration feels good but it also varies from woman to woman. Ask your partner if they like it and delve into the opening with your tongue. You can switch between the clit and the vagina, whatever feels more pleasurable to them. 

Play Around The Butt 

Some people enjoy anal stimulation during oral sex, either through fingers or mouth. Ask your partner what they like and go about it accordingly. If you are someone who is trying anal stimulation for the first time you can try it under the shower. 

Incorporate Sex Toys For More Fun 

Sex toys make the sex more playful and fun. To raise some heat you can incorporate sex toys in your sexual act. It can be a great addition to having a healthy sex life. Think vibrators, butt plugs, nipple clamps—whatever you’re into.

To Sum Up 

Every woman is different and every vulva is different, so different techniques and methods work for different people. There is no one straight rule of giving the ultimate oral sex, it all depends on the desires and preferences of your partner. Take the consent of your partner, treat them well and take time while giving head and your partner will surely be satisfied with the spicy act of oral sex

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