Quarantine Self Care: Luscious Locks Edition

Oprah Magazine

A lot of us have already given up on our daily skin and hair care routines since the lockdown started. Thinking, “What’s the point now?” we’re committing a cardinal sin by letting our dermatological health unchecked. Of course, you can give up altogether on your heavy chemical-based products for now, and let your skin and hair recover naturally from years of pollution and anti-pollution treatments. But this is a perfect time to let organic and natural treatments work their magic on your hair and skin. Wedding Affair recommends following hair care tips, that can be easily followed at home, to let your hair breathe and recover naturally.

Warm Oil Scalp Massages


How many times during our mundane workdays, have we complained about not having enough time to let your hair soak in the warm essential oils? Well, the right time has arrived. Nourish your hair for long hours by massaging your scalp with warm coconut or argan oil once or twice a day. See the shine and strength slowly return to your hair, ready to be shown off once the situation returns to normal.

Hair Mask Every Week


Apart from oiling your hair, you must try a nutritive hair mask as well for healthier and stronger hair. A hair mask as simple as egg or yoghurt mask can also work wonders for your hair.

Abstain From Extreme Experiments


While many people are investing in self-care and self-help during this time to help keep them engaged with their personal growth, a lot of us will be tempted to colour our hair or cut our own bangs during this time. Of course, it is all fun and games, but be careful as you can’t go through an immediate salon treatment to nullify any experiment that goes wrong. So don’t take extremely risky hair decisions right now.

Proper Brushing

Ideally, you must brush your hair from the ends first to remove tangles and then follow with long strokes from the roots of the hair to the ends. This technique will help with the proper spreading of natural hair oil and hence preventing damage.

Nutrient-Rich Diet

Good Housekeeping

Eat as many eggs, berries, fishes and spinach as you can. Don’t forget to get all your essential nutrients while you sit at home and wait for the quarantine to get over.