Ways to prevent hair thinning

hair thinning
Yoann Boyer

There are many things you can do to slow or stop hair loss. But what to do depends on the reason why you’re losing your hair. Some situations, like hair loss after pregnancy may resolve on their own. Also, remember that everyone sheds hair daily, which is perfectly normal. It’s when hair loss is persistent that you want to see your doctor. Your healthcare provider may be able to diagnose if your hair loss is caused by things like thyroid issues, stress, scalp infections, androgenic alopecia, or simply aging. Wedding Affair brings to you a few things you can do to prevent hair thinning.

Your Shampoo

It is extremely important to understand your scalp type and choose the right shampoo. Also, you need to wash your hair depending upon your scalp. For instance, over washing hair with dry scalp can lead to hair fall, or not washing oily locks thrice a week can lead to the same. Further, make sure the shampoo is not loaded with chemicals including sulfate, paraben and silicone that can make your tresses brittle and hence, prone to breakage.

Diet & Exercise

You need to feed your hair all the right nutrients particularly plenty of protein and iron. However, along with eating a balanced diet ensure you are exercising side by side. Yoga and meditation are effective in reducing hair fall.

Chemical Treatments

Undergoing rigorous hair treatments like straightening, perming and colouring is definitely not kind to your tresses. They cause thinning. Further avoid using blow dryers, curling rods, especially on wet hair as they actually boil the water in your hair shaft and make them brittle.

Hair thinning
Tim Mossholder

Gentle Styling

Skip tight braids or ponytails that may pull on hair at the root and potentially lead to excessive shedding. While you’re at it, let your hair air dry to avoid irritating your scalp. Heat stylers, like curling or straightening irons, may also damage or break the hair shaft.

Coconut & Olive Oil To The Rescue

Lauric acid found in coconut oil helps bind protein in hair, protecting it from thinning at the root and strand. Massaging coconut oil into the scalp may promote better blood flow and help with regrowth. Olive oil can be used to deep condition hair, protecting it from dryness and associated breakage. Olive oil is also a central ingredient to the Mediterranean diet, which may help slow genetic hair loss.

Also Read: Superfoods for super glowing skin for brides

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