3 course meal plan ideas to maintain your fitness goals for the new year


If fitness is your new year resolution and you want to cut down on a few pounds and watch your diet, then don’t worry your not alone. While you’re pruning the portions, eating home-cooked meals and chomping healthy with a vengeance, it does help to know what those who we aspire to be get help from. Be it jhanvi Kapoor or kareena knowing the inside information on diets can sure help. But keep on mind to go slow on your body and try to keep an open mind when it comes to fitness.No one can become thin over night so it’s best to start with information. Here we have compiled the latest information from celebrity trainers to try and help you on your new year fitness journey 

Morning ritual 

Do not start your day with stimulants like tea or coffee, and instead, eat a handful of dry fruits and nuts in the morning. Its best to have your coffee one to two hours after waking up. By avoiding consumption of any stimulant for at least the first one hour of waking up, you can make sure my body wakes up naturally and isn’t pushed to release the anxiety hormones which can put my body through a churn through the later part of the day.

Meal timings

Being a small eater, and tucking in smaller meals every two hours, will help you avoid overeating at any meal. If you like a dessert, then never club it with lunch or dinner. Instead, wait for a few hours after the previous meal is well digested. Indulgence once you feel my stomach is empty and ready to take on the next meal. This will keep you feeling light at all times instead of feeling acidic or bloated.

Early dinner

Its always best to have an early diners between 6.30 to 7.30 pm. If in case you are stepping out for a late dinner, make sure to eat something at 6.30-7:00 pm, so you will refrain from over eating and the follow that with guilt. Its always best to make well planned and informed choices. To ward off temptations, always eat at regular intervals.