Here’s how you can keep your kitchen spick and span


The kitchen is the heart of the home. It is the place where delicious food is cooked and enticing aromas fill the room. Since most of us are pretty chaotic and messy in the kitchen, it only seems like a distant dream to have a sparkling clean and clutter-free kitchen counter! Wedding Affair brings to you some easy and quick hacks to keep your kitchen counter clutter-free and organised.

Avoid keeping appliances on the counter

When it comes to appliances like the microwave and oven, our first instinct is to keep them at the kitchen counter, which results in the counter looking cluttered. So keep the heavy appliances on a separate shelf to save counter space.

Hang the utensils

One of the easiest ways to ensure a clean and organised kitchen counter is to hang utensils like pots and pans on the wall of the kitchen.


Divide the space

Most kitchen counters are L-shaped. So to optimise space and keep it organised, mentally divide the counter into sections. Have designated sections for spices, utensils, fruit bowls, etc. This will go a long way to sort your kitchen dynamics.

Keep a multipurpose bowl

Aren’t we all too familiar with the counter suddenly being cluttered with random things? To avoid this, keep a multipurpose bowl in the kitchen, in which you can keep things like papers, bills, keys, etc that seem to take a lot of unnecessary space.


Only keep necessities on the counter

Avoid making the counter an all-purpose place and keep only the necessary stuff on it. It can include frequently used spices, knives, essential utensils, etc. This will lend your home a wonderful and organised vibe that you crave for.

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