Hair Styling & Hair Care

Hair Styling & Hair Care :

Trending Braids for brides: Asif Ahmed

Trending Braids for brides: Asif Ahmed Hairstyles and hair dos are something, girls and brides seem fascinated about! They change with emerging trends and fading...

Oils to prevent premature graying and hair thinning

Here are some quick and easy DIYs using oils that will help you sail through the months to come. Say goodbye to hair problems.

Natural fruit packs for a healthy and glowing skin

Fruit facials boost your skin with natural goodness. Wedding Affair brings to you some quick and easy fruit face masks you can try at home. 

5 Summer Hairstyles For This Season

We all know how hot the weather will be to live and breathe in the summers of India. Dealing with hair in this season...

Hair gels for curly hair

Hair gel is the freaking key to perfect curly hair and coils. But you may also keep scrolling to find the best curly hair gels of 2020.