Glimpse At The Skincare Routine Of the Kardashians


Kardashians have since a long time held the position of being the torchbearers of beauty and wellness. The Kardashian sisters have made themselves a popular name when it comes to beauty and fitness. The Kardashians are known to great amounts of money to keep their skin healthy young and glowing. Their beauty and fitness have inspired the millennials to follow their suit. The millennials are totally going gaga over the ‘Kardashian’ beauty regime. Wedding Affair gives you a glimpse of the skincare routine of the Kardashians.

Kim Kardashian

  Kim Kardashian promotes the use of retinol for youthful wrinkle-free skin. She says “To combat wrinkles, you should begin using products that contain retinol. When using a retinoid, you must wear sunscreen every day. And, because the skin around the eyes is the thinnest and first to show signs of ageing, it’s also important to introduce a moisturizing eye cream to your skin regimen.” She is even fond of contouring her face with a pink egg-sponge. While contouring she prefers to work on her cheekbones especially and the chin area.


Kourtney Kardashian’s natural makeup look has been a rage amongst the millennials. Her secret is that she mixes Oxygenetix Foundation colours and then uses a BeautyBlender along with a mist so as to apply the concealer.  She also uses a home-made beauty mask to retain the natural glow. She uses a mask made up of honey, coconut oil and organic sugar because of its effective cleansing properties. She is also fond of using a charcoal mask which she usually wipes off with a muslin cloth.

Also Read- Face & Hair Egg-Masks For Every Bride To Be