5 Unmistakable Signs That Your Date Likes You


It is downright gruelling after the first date when you have to wonder whether someone likes you or not. Well, not anymore! If someone likes you he or she is sure to display some signs inadvertently all you have to do is take notice. This shall save you from all the worries and anxieties after your date. The best part is it is not even difficult to determine whether someone is interested in you. Even if your date leaves you wondering with mixed signals, you can actually know if they are truly interested in a second date. Wedding Affair shares the 5 unmistakable signs that your date likes you. 

1. Eye Contacts


If they maintain longer eye contacts with you during the date then it implies they are interested. On the contrary, if they seem distracted then it means there won’t be a second date.

2. They Ask Questions


Someone who is interested in you is bound to ask you a lot more questions than your usual dates. They will want to know more about you and hence a few extra questions.

3. They flirt


Someone who is interested in you is going to flirt with you in subtle ways, ways that aren’t obvious. They are going to show you their kind side.  

4. They open up to you


An interested date is not only curious, he or she also makes an effort to share things about their life with you. They are going to share little details with you on the date.  

5. Listen Mindfully


A date who is interested will not go on and talking about himself/herself. They will mindfully listen to the stories you have to tell and are going to wait for their turn to speak instead of mindlessly blabbering.