Dating a Pisces woman

Dribbble - Riya Khandelwal

Love and relationship are the two sides of the same coin. Dating a Pisces woman is another level of relationship exploration, which you need to know. You start out slow. You ask her out to coffee because you know, deep down, that she might not say yes to anything more. You pick her up on time — even though she is running a little late and tells you she will be out in a few minutes and drive her to your favourite coffee shop. Pisces women aren’t always known for their decisiveness, even when it comes to the littlest things. If you are happy, so is she. You start out with small talk and are surprised how quickly the subject changes.

The First Move

She is so open about everything that it might take you back. She asks you about your job, your friends, your family, your hobbies. She meets the punchline of your jokes with her own witty retorts, you cannot help but smile at. She doesn’t text you first, even if she can’t stop thinking about you. She waits for you to make the first move. It’s not because she likes playing mind games but because she has been hurt before and she wants to be sure with the relationship. 

She needs to know that this time, she is not in it alone before she gets too deep. And so she waits for your “hey” before she gives you her own, and before long you are exchanging inside jokes and witty banter. And, so you ask her out again, but this time for dinner, something new she has not tried before at a cute little venue you already know she will love. A Pisces woman adores finding hidden gems. This time you skip over all that small talk completely, because it seems silly to backtrack after you already opened up on the first date. Besides, she always seems interested in what you have to say.

The Dating Game


You like to listen to her crazy ideas too. She is imaginative in ways you are not used to. You will find yourself laughing nonstop half the evening and talking intently for the rest. You are not sure why, but she manages to get you to say things you have never admitted to people before. It’s kind of scary, but you think you like it. And, so you take her home at the end of the night and maybe you kiss her at her doorstep. Or maybe you don’t because she may be romantic but she likes to take things slow. If you do kiss her, you will notice something careful about the way she moves against you. It’s like she’s afraid one wrong move might shatter everything. 

The Texting Game

She waits for you to text her first again, and you do, because there’s something about this woman that always makes your mind wander back to her. You stay up all night messaging. And she sends you pictures that remind her of you while you are at work. She loves the ones that you send her during your lunch break, too. And then it’s your next date, and this time when you meet up it will feel like you have met her more than twice.

In fact, it almost feels like you have known her forever. And, you already know she likes you by the way that she looks at you like you are the only person in the room. She laughs at your jokes as if her whole body is lighting up. And if you get past this date and she says she will see you again, you will know you have finally got her. You just will. The next time you talk to her, she texts you first. And that’s how you date a Pisces woman! 

ALSO READ: Dating a Sagittarius Man