Detox drinks for the bride

Detox Drinks

Detoxing is the new trend in fitness. Hence, detox drinks are quite the jazz these days. Detoxing is increasingly taking the fitness circuit by a storm. And rightly so, the heavily urbanized and increasingly toxic-ridden world we inhabit is weighing upon our health. The human body has several natural pathways to allow detoxification through the liver, sweat, urine, and faeces. But the exposure to heavy metals, preservatives and pesticides has taken the average toxin consumption by human beings to an all-time high.

Brides especially need to take care of their health as it will reflect on their skin as well. Wedding Affair brings to you a few detox drinks that you can easily make and consume at home. A regular intake of these simple detox drinks can aid weight loss, give a boost to your metabolism, work as an incredible laxative agent and helps digestion.

Cucumber Mint Detox Drink

Another summery delight, one more reason to rejoice. Mint is traditionally regarded as the best ingredients for soothing an upset stomach. Mint also improves the flow of bile through the stomach which ultimately speeds the digestion process. Coupled with antioxidant rich cucumber and lemon, this cooler is as much a respite from the bustling heat as from the toxic overload. Making it: Peel, chop and blend cucumber,  mint leaves and 1 cup of water. Strain and discard pulp. Add lemon juice, black salt and dilute with water if needed. Pour the beverages in glasses, put some ice cubes and garnish with lemon rings and mint leaves.

Radiant Lemonade

A lemon water detox is one of the best detox drinks recommended by fitness enthusiasts to shed those extra kilos being rich in pectin fibre. This fibre gives you the feeling of fullness for a long period of time and thus delays hunger. This recipe is also infused with the goodness of carrots, apples, beetroot and radish.

Green Tea & Lemon

Green tea is a good source of catechins, i.e., dietary polyphenols that exhibit anti-adiposity effects. A study was done on mice (on a high-fat diet) demonstrated that the lemon polyphenols from a lemon peel extract significantly reduced weight gain. Making it is quite simple as well. Boil a cup of water and place a green tea bag in it. Add the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Drink it while it is still hot. This drink is super-easy to make and has multiple benefits including lending a clear skin.

Pineapple Lemonade

A study recently conducted revealed that pineapple juice induces the upregulation of fatty acid oxidation by molecular gene regulation. Thus, it has the potential to reduce weight gain and obesity. Plus, it is rich in antioxidants which makes it all the more good for your health and skin. As a result, one should consume it regularly. It’s easy to make this drink as well. Just toss the chopped pineapple in a blender and give it a spin. Pour the juice into a glass. Add the lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and salt. Stir this mixture really well and your drink is ready to relish. Have fun!

Orange & Carrot Juice

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and loaded with fiber. Foods high in fiber increase satiety (feeling of fullness) and decrease subsequent hunger. This help can help reduce food intake, thereby leading to weight loss. Oranges are replete with vitamin C. Vitamin C is inversely associated with body mass. Adequate intake of this vitamin can help oxidize as much as 30% more fat when combined with moderate exercise. Thus, it may help you lose weight. Making it: Slice the carrot and peel the orange. Chop and toss them into the food processor. Add a tablespoon of honey and throw in some coriander leaves. Add a little water. Give it a spin and it’s ready!

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