Top 5 Tips To Develop Intimacy With Your Partner


Intimacy is the key to a happy relationship/marriage. Researchers tell that the couple with greater intimacy experience marital satisfaction better than the rest of the couples. The more intimacy you experience with your partner, the more healthy you are bound to be.  Intimacy allows you to connect and know the intuits of your partner to a fair extent. It creates an environment where you as well as your partner feel loved and taken care of. Forming good levels of intimacy with your partner is a way to build a healthy and happy relationship that lasts a lifetime. Wedding Affair shares the top 5 intimacy tips to develop intimacy with your partner. 

1. Reveal More

Don’t hesitate to reveal more of yourself to your partner. In fact, it is imperative that you let your partner know the different shades of your personality. The more you shall reveal to your partner, the more love shall brew between the two of you. 

2. Make Conversations Fulfilling

Don’t just small talk with your partner. Make an effort to make conversations more fulfilling by asking deeper questions and questions that can increase intimacy. 

3. Make Routine Fun

If you and your partner can work your way to make the routine fun and comfortable, you are already on the right track. Partners who frequently do their daily chores together form better intimacy than partners who don’t. Make sure you pursue common hobbies together.

4. Openness

Learn to be receptive to your partner’s emotional needs. Be open to discussions and create a healthy atmosphere where both of you can be at ease. 

5. Be Mindful

This is the ultimate way to build intimacy with your partner. Be interested and develop a curiosity to what your partner has to tell you about his/her day.Â