5 Tips to keep your Skin Hydrated

keep your skin hydrated

5 Tips to keep your Skin Hydrated: We all know that a healthy routine leads to a healthy life. Still, we commit our whole lives to our work for the sake of a safe future for our family. In that process, we neglect the people we are working for so hard that is our family. We have no social life. In this whole hustle and bustle, our skin suffers the most. The only glow that is seen on our faces is the glow of screens that we are in front of the whole time or the oil that the skin extracts.

It is very important that we keep ourselves hydrated if we want healthy and hydrated skin. But the whole work routine does not let us have ‘me time.’ The skin gets dehydrated because of a lot of reasons such as long hot showers, not moisturizing the skin or choosing the wrong body wash or eating salty food. The dehydrated skin gets all itchy and develops acne. We all know that water is the key to hydrating skin. But there are other things too, which are essential for moistened skin.

To keep your skin hydrated here are some tips that you should include in your schedule.

  • Moisturise the skin

    Moisturise your skin

Moisturising your skin especially if you have dry skin is very necessary as it protects your skin from dust and pollution. Use moisturising serums such as Squalane emollient serums as they help in maintaining oil on your skin. Moisturise your skin just after coming out of the shower. Avoid using very hot water for baths. So, add this to your skin-care regime.

  • Hydrating face mask

    skin mask
    Hydrating face mask

For keeping your face hydrated, buy some hydrating face masks. They are rich in glycerine, fruit extracts, and seed oil which is very good for the face. It will help you get rid of dry patches and will provide a smooth texture to your face. For better results, apply them overnight as they will absorb all the dust and impurities of the face and rejuvenate it.

  • Get a humidifier

    Keep your skin hydrated
    Get a humidifier

It is well known that today’s air quality index is severe which is very dangerous for the body inside and out. Therefore, invest your money in the air humidifier. This is the best weapon to deal with the dermis and dry skin. It saves your skin from getting all itchy which will keep your skin hydrated.

  • Supplements for a hydrating skin

    Supplements for a hydrating skin

It is very important to keep your skin hydrated from inside as well as out. Water alone cannot achieve that. That is why it is suggested to include hydrating supplements in your diet. Go for the supplements that have vitamin C, fish oil and collagen in it. These will help you in keeping your skin nourished and hydrated.

  • Exfoliate your skin

    Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliation is very crucial and should be done once or twice a week. It helps in removing dead skin cells. It rebuilds the open skin pores. If we exfoliate our skin more than once or twice a week then it can lead to damaging the natural texture of the skin. Use face peel but not more than once a week as it will leave your skin irritated.