5 ways to stay energised on your wedding day

Edu Lauton

We’ve all been there, struggling to get up in the morning. Or, later, when you feel your head getting heavy and you think your eyes will snap shut any minute. Maybe you experience a slump in energy in the evening and find it difficult to make it to the end of the day. It’s a challenge to keep your stamina up all through the day. Put down that energy shot! There’s no need to chug crazy canned concoctions or buckets of coffee to get through the day. And better still, that doesn’t mean accepting 3 p.m. drowsiness as unavoidable.

But, despite all these engagements you can still manage to stay energetic and feel fresh throughout your wedding day. The good news is, there are some simple things you can do on a daily basis to inoculate yourself against energy suckage – to make it less likely that you’ll go to bed at night feeling like you’ve been run over by a big truck. None of them require special ability or money, and all are within your control. Wedding Affair brings to you five ways to feel energised every day. We found five quick and easy tips to up energy levels — no unpronounceable fancy stuff  required. Read on to find out how.

Healthy And Balanced Breakfast 

A heavy breakfast may prove good, but a healthy and balanced breakfast, contemplating the entire day activities, can keep you brisk for all day long. 

Maddi Bazzocco

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

We know the hassle of the day can make you forget that you need to keep yourself hydrated and energised but, this is one thing that you ought to keep in mind —  no excuses allowed! Hydration is the key to a healthy body, mind and soul. You cannot say no to water and that too on such a hustle-bustle day. Keep consuming fruit juices, shakes, lemon water, carbonated water, coconut water or so, the point is your body should be sufficiently hydrated. 

Efficacious Exercise 

It’s not about lifting heavy weights and dumbbells at the gym —  you can go for a morning walk, meditate or just hit a zumba class. Start exercising a few months prior to your wedding, this will not only keep your body fit, it will also keep you fresh throughout your day. 

Kike Vega

Suffice Sleep 

You cannot skip or go easy on this as it will not only affect how you look look but would also make you feel exhausted and worn out. A minimum of eight hours of sleep at night is compulsory to make your body work efficiently and energetically for an entire day. 

Say No No Captivating Caffeine

Generally, caffeine is considered as an energy-booster but it is not a good option for your wonderful wedding day as it might keep you energetic for a while but can take you down at an inopportune time. So, better neglect the caffeine for your daily routine and consume healthier options of liquids.

Also Read: Indulge in these luxurious bathing products

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