Emotional Empathy: A Must Have Relationship Skill During Covid-19


Amidst the Covid-19 crises, numerous couple are fighting relationship turbulence. Anxiety and worries amidst such times is bound to creep into relationships. If you are going through the same, don’t worry because you are not the only one battling through this rough patch. There are numerous couples like you who are looking for a way to fix the situation.The quarantine days have turned our relationships upside down and the worst part is that we weren’t taught the right skills to cope with such a situation. Relationships can turn more intimate and loving, if only you acquire the right relationship skills.

The one skill that is going to help you immensely during these times is that of emotional empathy. If you try and see things from your partner’s perspective, you are less likely to lash out on them. If only you learn the skill of putting yourself in your partner’s shoes, you can eventually develop empathy. If you feel hurt and angry by something that your partner did, take some time out for yourself and think it through objectively. The quarantine days are more difficult than the usual days because you are practically spending every minute of the day with your partner. It means more squabbles and more nitpicking but it could also mean more time for love and intimacy.

To make your quarantine days merry with your partner, take some of their responsibility. Moreover. make time every day to talk about their mental well being. A healthy conversation where you can open up to your partner and they can open up to you is a great way to build emotional empathy. Let your partner talk about things that they are worried about. Be a good listener and don’t rush to provide a solution. Let them vent out all their anxieties. Offer a warm hug and make them a healthy meal if your partner is stressing a lot. Tell them it is going to be alright. Remember, it takes only simple thing to make your partner feel better.