Fighting Lockdown Loneliness


Many of us are falling into the depths of loneliness because of the global pandemic taking place. Loneliness can easily drive you to depression and other all other kinds of mental illness. It is important that we take care of our mental health and kepp connected to our near and dear ones. We have cut on most of our social activities owing to the global spread of the pandemic of COVID-19. And staying put within the walls of one’s own home has created a lot of space for overthinking, stress, anxiety and loneliness that might slide into our daily mental well-being during these times.

Keep engaging in conversations with your loved ones as you battle the stress of the situation. Encourage each other and stay positive to fight the battle that the world is fighting together. Focus on being genuine, empathetic and warm to one another during your interactions. You can call distant friends and check on them and trust us, it is not going to be awkward.

While you are left with a little more time for yourself owing to the work from home solutions offered by workplaces, you can also take advantage of it reconnecting with your old hobbies. With these hobbies, you create your own little nooks of happiness at your home. Pursuing a hobby can make you foget about time and you can actually have a good feeling of accomplishment. It can be more fun if you can pursue a hobby with you family. Try calming your soaring emotions by some light-hearted music.