Helming Pregnancy During Covid-19 Pandemic


As Mother’s Day is around the corner, it’s time for all the affectionate and benevolent hearts to collect all that special warmth from their little ones to make the out of the box feel count onto bigger memories. And, pregnant mothers who are a part of the real struggle for the genesis of a completely new life are on our spotlight as pregnancy is a precious time full of excitement and anticipation. But for expectant mothers facing the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), fear, anxiety and uncertainty are clouding this otherwise happy time. 

Many expectant mothers are fearful of going to appointments while they are taking precautions, such as staying home and practicing physical distancing when outside. But, after all health is wealth and two lives (the mother and her baby) grabs the attention of the scenario as it is very important for both of them to stay healthy and fit during the tenure of pregnancy and even after giving birth to the newborn. Here we are up with a list of ways you can helm pregnancy during the Coronavirus outbreak, Mothers! 

Mothers, find out what options are available to you from your healthcare professionals and in their communities. The person who is taking care of you is perfectly geared to you and your own needs, so your midwife or obstetrician will know best.

After your child is born, it is also important to continue receiving professional support and guidance, including routine immunizations. Speak to your healthcare provider about the safest way to have these appointments, for you and your baby.

Doing simple things at home to relax, like stretching exercises, breathing exercises and giving your midwife a call if you need to is a must recommendation. 

Organized routine around appointments, and how to get in touch for urgent care is necessary. Talk to the care providers in advance about obtaining a copy of your health records including record of prenatal care, in case of any disruption or change in services.

Avoid contact with anyone displaying symptoms of coronavirus disease. 

Avoid public transport when possible. Work from home, where possible.

Avoid large and small gatherings in public spaces, particularly in closed or confined spaces. And surely avoid physical gatherings with friends and family. Use telephone, texting or online services to contact your midwife, obstetrician and other essential services.

Additional protective measures include frequent hand washing with soap and water, regular cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces at home, self-monitoring of any signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and seeking early care from a health care provider.

Mothers well enough to breastfeed should take precautions, including wearing a mask if available, washing hands before and after contact, and cleaning or disinfecting surfaces. If you are too ill to breastfeed, express milk and give it to your child via a clean cup or spoon – all while following the same precautions.

Last but not the least have designated cleaned toilets particularly for yourself as mothers need that extra hygiene and care at this point of time to maintain a disease free health.