Top 10 Skin Cleansing Habits You Should Get into ASAP

skincare hacks

Skin cleansing is the most important part of any skincare routine. But are you doing it correctly?

You have the best of the bests of beauty products with you? Great. You follow big beauty gurus online? Great. But do you do the most basic part of your skincare routine correctly? Are you cleansing your skin correctly? It is very easy to get into small bad habits for skin cleansing that can cause you big harm. Not cleansing your skin correctly leaves a layer of impurities on your skin or makes it vulnerable to radical damage. This is why it is essential to follow the correct steps while cleansing your skin. Here are 10 skin cleansing habits that you should adapt ASAP.

First Step: Clean Hands

Hands washing

It’s important to start with your hands as you’ll be using them to apply your cleanser. Without clean hands, you’ll be only layering dirt into your cleanser, and you will end up pushing more dirt onto your skin. So, clean your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds before cleansing your face.

Use the Right Cleanser

skincare cleansers skincare

There are so many options available in the market for skin cleansing products, but you need to find which one is the best for you. First find out your skin type, texture, and concerns, then pick a cleanser accordingly. Do a patch test on your neck before committing to any cleanser.

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Cleanse Twice a Day

alarm clock

Skin cleansing is important both in the morning and in the evening. Cleansing in the morning removes the excess oil produced during your sleep while cleansing in the evening removes the sweat, dirt, and pollution that have attached themselves to your skin throughout the day.

Remove Makeup Before

double cleansing

Although cleansers can be capable of removing makeup, it is still advisable to use a separate makeup remover before skin cleansing. Especially if you’re wearing heavy makeup, only using cleanser may not be enough to remove it from your skin surface.

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Double Cleanse if Needed

double cleansing skincare

Double cleansing begins with an oil-based cleanser, removing the oil-based impurities including sebum, makeup, and pollution from the skin. Then a water-based cleanser is used to wash off sweat and dirt. On a heavily polluted day or the day you are wearing heavy makeup, double cleansing is extremely beneficial.

Don’t Neglect Your Neck

Cleanse your neck along with your face. Even though the neck is technically a part of the body, the skin here is more similar to the skin of the face. Your neck needs to be included in your skincare regimen, which includes skin cleansing.

Always Lukewarm Water

Using hot water to cleanse your skin can seriously damage your skin, stripping away the natural protective barrier.  Instead, use lukewarm water for skin cleansing, to save your skin from unintentional damage.

Cleanse Before Exfoliating

Do not skip skin cleansing before exfoliating, even though it is deep cleansing only. If you don’t cleanse your skin before exfoliating, the dirt and sebum on your skin’s surface will stop the scrub from reaching your pores, which is where it’s supposed to reach.

Be Gentle with Your Skin

skincare hacks cleansing hacks

Use your fingers for skin cleansing, as rough friction from loofah or scrubber can irritate your skin, negating the benefits of cleansing. Also, pat your skin dry with soft towels. Any rough scrubbing on your face damages the protein fibres, causing your skin to age faster.

Don’t Leave it Bare After

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After skin cleansing, immediately follow up with the rest of your skincare regimen. If your skin goes dry after washing, the moisture will evaporate. Block it as soon as possible with toner and then continue with your other products.

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Your fancy skincare products are of no use if you don’t cleanse your skin correctly in the first place. Skin cleansing is undoubtedly the most important part of your beauty regime, and often the most neglected one. Follow the right steps to cleanse your skin, and get healthy glowing skin.