Right YOGA postures for period cramping

Yoga Pose

While the basics of menstruation are something all women have in common, each woman experiences her period differently. Though most would agree that it is not the most enjoyable time of each month, responses vary from feeling appreciative of one’s fertility to getting annoyed, to being curled up in pain, to not really caring. This phase needs a “ladies’ holiday” for the length of one to three days. Most contemporary yoga methods acknowledge each woman’s right to make a choice for herself about what kind of practice to do during period cramping. This includes whether or not to practice inversions. In the present scenario, many social communities have segregated menstruating women  to practice particular yoga at this time for better health benefits. The following poses are intended for a restorative home practice and can help alleviate cramps. If you would rather cuddle up with a heating pad during your period, then these particular yoga poses can also be considered to be a part of your menstruation schedule. 

BADDHA KONASANA – Cobbler’s Pose 

Since the lower half of the body often feels heavy during menstruation, seated poses will be your focus. You may stay in each pose for up to several minutes, as is common in restorative classes. Baddha konasana —the cobbler’s pose — opens the pelvic region.  For a more restorative version, come into a forward bend using a bolster or several folded blankets to support your torso so you can relax more.


Open both your legs wide into the upavistha konasana — seated straddle pose. Again, a supported forward fold with a bolster or blankets is a great option. We are concentrating on those hamstrings again, but are also stretching the inner thighs and lengthening the spine. You can go as deep as you like here or remain sitting upright. While you are menstruating, you might not reach your optimum depth in the bend and that is perfectly fine.


Bring both legs outstretched for a forward bend. Lengthen the spine in a seated position before coming forward. Imagine the pelvis as a bowl that is tipping forward as you come down. The seated forward bend — paschimottanasana — goes deeper still in opening the hamstrings and calves. It also gives your back a nice stretch. Be sure to follow your breath as you ease into this bend. Your period may be a good excuse to round your spine a little because it gives you a place to relax.


Stay in a reclined position with your knees bent. Release your knees out to the sides and down to your mat. Bring the soles of your feet together for goddess pose. Placing a bolster under the length of your spine can feel great here. You may notice that this is a reclined version of the cobbler’s pose. Supta Baddha Konasana — goddess pose — is all about opening your groin and hips and relaxing. If you can stay in this one for several minutes, it’s a fabulous way to end your session. Five to ten minutes in a meditative state in goddess pose will leave you completely relaxed for the day ahead.

JANU SIRSASANA – Head To Knee Pose 

Extend your right leg and place the sole of your left foot on your right inner thigh. Center your torso over the right leg and fold forward. Come back through baddha konasana to set up for the other side. Continuing to take it nice and easy, janu sirsasana — head to knee pose — stretches the hamstrings in a simple forward bend. It is an easy stretch that allows you to focus on one leg at a time and gently extend and lengthen your hips and groin.

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