Hair Styling & Hair Care

Hair Styling & Hair Care :

Spring hair colour trends that will fill your feed

The arrival of spring is always a solid reason to switch up your hair color in our beauty book, but perhaps now more so than ever.

Habits that are unintentionally damaging your hair

There are so many bad hair habits we’re not even realising. Fortunately, many of these can be easily fixed as long as you take careful steps.

Monsoon proof haircare arsenal for the bride

Monsoon tends to make hair limp, lustreless and frizzy, owing to lot of humidity in the air. Wedding Affair brings to you some handy hacks to help you out.

Best foods to boost hair growth for luscious hair

Hair growth depends a lot on the food you eat. Your diet impacts the growth of your hair as much as your overall health.

Fix the frizz!! Four magical hair tips for the monsoon

Your facial beauty sure does play a huge part, but so does your hair. Make sure to keep your hair nourished and healthy with the four tips.

Oils to prevent premature graying and hair thinning

Here are some quick and easy DIYs using oils that will help you sail through the months to come. Say goodbye to hair problems.

7 hairstyling mistakes that damage your hair!

Here are seven hairstyling and hair care mistakes you could be making and what you should be doing instead.

Hairstyling mistakes that cause hair loss or thinning

There are so many common hairstyling habits that can contribute to hair loss. Here are some bad hairstyling habits and what to do instead.

New age effective hair treatments for the bride

Wedding Affair brings to you the best hair treatments that will help dry hair feel rejuvenated and moisturized, frizzy hair become smooth. 

Hairmasks for long hair

Wedding Affair brings to you an efficient and smart way to prevent and stop hair loss permanently is to try out some homemade hair masks.

Natural fruit packs for a healthy and glowing skin

Fruit facials boost your skin with natural goodness. Wedding Affair brings to you some quick and easy fruit face masks you can try at home. 

Hairmasks to keep dandruff at bay

There are plenty of products to treat dandruff. Wedding Affair brings to you some hairmasks to get rid of dandruff.