Beauty Secrets

The Ultimate Guide To Maintain Long Hair

It’s every girl's dream to have long and luscious locks. Maintaining long hair does take a lot of hardwork and patience no doubt, but...

Get glowing and flawless skin on your Sparky days with these...

Hello, beauty-aholic! Are you also going to be a bride-to-be super soon? Then now, it is the time to say no to the hustling...

How to combine active ingredients & what to avoid

The term ‘active ingredient’ is a real buzzword in the skincare world, often seen on packaging, and all over social media.

Celebrity beauty hacks every bride must follow

We at Wedding Affair have done some research and we've come up with a list of invaluable beauty hacks so that you can feel like a queen.

4 DIY Lip Scrubs

We guess that all you girls and boys are quite buys taking care just of your face, and while you’re at it you tend...

Upgrade Your Vanity

Upgrade your vanity kit with the latest beauty must-haves.

Skincare Regime for a beautiful you…

Our skin falls victim to natural elements daily, from the sweat-inducing scorching sun to chilly gusts that smack you with wind burn. It’s rough...

5 Ways to Deal With Dark Circles Before Your Wedding

There are different types of 'dark circles' with varying and sometimes multiple causes. While many dark circles are hereditary, some other causes for them...

Trending Braids for brides: Asif Ahmed

Trending Braids for brides: Asif Ahmed Hairstyles and hair dos are something, girls and brides seem fascinated about! They change with emerging trends and fading...

Perfume layering tips for long lasting scent 

Depending on who you ask, perfume layering is either a retail strategy or a way to invite the perfume wearer to create something unique...

How to prep for your wedding despite a 9 to 5...

Even if you're tied to your desk from 9 to 5, there are things you can do from the comfort of your office chair...

Eye Makeup Trends 2023

One of the most significant days of your life is the day when you exchange vows with your heartthrob. This is the day you...