Skin Care

Bridal Skin Care

Magical benefits of Aloe Vera for a Flawless skin

Having clear and soft skin cannot always be God’s gift, for at times we have to be the sole responsibility holders of taking care...

Skincare rules to start following 6 months before marriage.

Like picking a wedding lehenga or the perfect decorations, you need to be more prepared about your skin as well .but it all depends...

How to stay Fit at Home during this Festive Season

During the festive season, it usually gets tough to maintain a healthy workout routine. With instant plans to meet relatives and invite friends over...

Quick Home workout for a flat tummy

Working out from the comfort of one’s home is the most effective and easy way to lose weight. To gain the perfect shape of...

Magical Benefits of Applying Oil on Belly Button

The navel area or the belly button is the chamber where most of the nerve endings meet in the body. Therefore, it is essential...

Innisfree to the rescue: few products to treat your acne-prone skin

here we have one of the best Korean skincare brands that will take care of your acne for good. Listed below are a few best products from the Innisfree range. 

Get rid of that oil!: DIY masks for good riddance from...

Beauty always comes first right? Well, so here we have a few elements that you can add to your face masks just to get rid...

Grab green tea as a skin treatment!

So, let us have a look at Green tea and its benefits especially in terms of skincare. 

Few ways to get rid of an acne-prone skin

Acne is a very common problem among our youth and everyone has their different solutions for it. Just follow these methods to clear your skin. 

Skin care with a little scrub care: DIY scrub edition!

Are you looking for some natural techniques to exfoliate your skin? Well, then welcome to our DIY scrub session, we have the three best...

Sunscreens you need to own ASAP!

You should read our tips on the best ways to fake a tan (safely!), then immediately stock up on these expert-approved SPFs.  

Easy peasy lemon squeezy: Witness lemon as a beauty product

Divas are always looking out for beauty hack to maintain flawless skin, and we have lemon a perfect ingredient to rule out any bumps from your skin.