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Multitasking blues: Escalating Daily productivity  

With how rapidly things come and go in today’s world, not being able to multitask usually results in missed out opportunities.

Staying Virtually Connected During Lockdown

Here is a special list of ways curated by Wedding Affair to stay socially connected among your circles during the lockdown period.

Stepping Off the Binge-Eating wagon post-Eid 

There is not a need to rail into a guilt trip post excessive eating for Eid. Follow these steps by Wedding Affair for a healthier lifestyle.

Shreyas Talpade on bringing theatre online with ‘Typecaste’ 

In the midst of all his work commitments, Shreyas Talpade found inspiration to return to the stage with Zee Theatre's teleplay 'Typecaste'.

How to maintain productivity during quarantine

Wedding Affair brings to you some really effective tips to control your anxiety and increase your productivity during this work from home season.

Sugar-free delights to make with your family

Wedding Affair brings to you a few sugar-free delights. A couple of these recipes include a little bit of honey/maple syrup, feel free to leave it out.

Ellementry Launches Charming Gift Options

Ellementry launches a set of thoughtful gift boxes that allow you to connect with your loved ones instantly.

Guidelines for wedding guests during pandemic

We believe that it is the most difficult for the couple hosting a wedding during this time. But, there exists a wedding guest’s dilemma.

Would We Start Travelling Again Anytime Soon?

With people sceptical of stepping out in public spaces, more than ever before, it could be 18 to 24 months before travel picks back up, the industry experts suggest.

Pop The Question

Engagement Questions are like butterflies, they flick and flutter in your head until you let them fly. While it may seem quite easy to...

Covid love stories that won hearts on internet

The coronavirus emerged in China last December and has spread to all over the world. Love on the other hand has got its way to connect hearts

Christmas movies that are like a warm hug

Hey! If you're not heading out this Christmas, we recommend watching some Christmas movies with your fam. Have a look!