Protect your skin this Monsoon with these skincare tips!


We know that everyone loves to sit by the window to watch as rain pours outside but something that also comes in the monsoon season is many skin problems. Monsoon is a period where you need to take extra care of your skin as it can attract many infections, oily skin or it can make your skin really sticky. Here are a few that you need to follow in order to avoid such issues:

Tone it up with a Toner


Toner is a product that is essential during the monsoon season. It is extremely important due to the humidity that comes with the monsoon. Your skin needs toner as it will balance out the ph levels present in your skin which will make it radiant. It also contains alcohol levels which help in clearing clogged areas.

Daily Cleanse

One thing that is basic and will protect your skin during this season is the daily cleansing of your face. It will wash away all the dirt and infections from your face. Just make it your schedule to wash your face whenever you come home, and I promise you will see the difference. Plus it will make your skin glow and who doesn’t love that, and make sure to use a dermatologically approved one.

Moisturizer (trust me, it helps)

It is something that should always be near you in the rainy season. Whenever you wash your face or go outside you need to moisturize your skin. You can easily find all kinds of moisturizers according to your skin type. This will definitely keep your skin fresh during this season.

Most Important, stay hydrated


You must’ve heard this a thousand times but you need to keep yourself hydrated during the rainy season as it will make your skin glow and away from all skin-related problems. You should drink as much water as possible during the day and we promise you won’t be disappointed. Don’t be lazy get up and get yourself hydrated.

Also Read: Do’s and don’ts to build a fail-proof skincare routine

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