Beauty Treatments

Beauty Treatments

Getting The Glass Glow Before The Big Day

Brides are ruled by the desire to look out-of-this-world beautiful on their wedding day. From home-made facial treatments to dermatologically curated regimes, they try...

5 Hacks To Keep You Sorted Throughout The Day

We all know how essential makeup is in our daily lives and how much it helps us to look our best every time. But...

Can’t fall asleep? Try These Tricks! They Really Work!

Most of us work long, tiring hours and come home exhausted. After a warm, healthy home-cooked meal, all we want to do is hit...

Kiss Goodbye To Your Summer Woes With These Organic Sunscreens

Summers have arrived and has brought along with it various skin problems like tanning, acne etc. One skincare product that you should never skip...

6 Best Hacks For Hooded Eyes

If you’ve watched a million eye makeup tutorials on YouTube or scrolled through countless numbers of articles about how to make your small, hooded...

Top 5 Skincare Essentials For Summer!

The onset of summer brings along with it a host of skin-related problems. The hot season affects all of us different in equally annoying...

Useful Tips To Protect Your Skin This Holi!

Holi is just around the corner and everyone wants to get drenched in the festival of colours. But beware, these colours can harm your...

7 Beauty Tips Every 20-Something Needs To Know

Be it pollution, heat or the chilly winds, our skin goes through so much everyday. It is no news that we need to take...

10 Beauty Cautions for the Brides to be

You must be so used to making lists of ‘To do’ things for your wedding by now, that you might as well be in...

Acne Stopping tricks week before D-day

Attention to-be brides! We realize you’ve been going through a foot-long list of to-dos before your D-day arrives, but neglecting your skincare (especially face)...

The Five Essentials for a Beautiful You

Beauty comes from within. One should fall in love with a person's soul and not face. It might sound clichéd but the truth is...

Beauty and the Gadget: The Tech for Your Beauty

The impact of technology in our lives today, is immeasurable. We use technology every day, in different ways. It allows us to merge our...