Home & Design

Bringing in the bohemian vibe

The visuals of bohemian architecture share an uncanny similarity with jazz from the 1920 s. Bring in the bohemian vibe with these tips.

Home decor tips to create a positive vibe

Wedding Affair brings to you some home décor tips that will improve your mood and provide a positive vibe amid this COVID 19 pandemic.

Ways to make your home eco-friendly

Being eco-friendly and living a sustainable life isn’t difficult. There are ways one can live a greener life in a easy way.

Adding calm to your abode

Wedding Affair compiles the styled of minimalist decor for your abode that can help you in your day to day life.

Things you need in your new home before you move in

It’s so exciting to move into a new home. Decorating it is the most fun activity one can experience. Here are some things you need to have.

Four best crystals to count on: Heal your home!

some of the best crystals can help you fill your home with positivity, warmth, and courage to the brim. Listed below are a few crystals.

Add a touch of vintage to your abode

Adding vintage is always welcome, vintage is what brings out beauty the most. Wedding Affair brings to you ways to add vintage to your home. 

Perfect ways to induce fresh air in your living space

Controlling air pollution in the state is not in your or any one person’s hand, one place that you can purify is your home. 

Evergreen decor for your living area

Wedding Affair shares with you quick and easy tips to transform the look of your living area from dull to dashing.

#DIYDeclutter: 5 tips to declutter your living space

Are you feeling cluttered sitting at home all this while? Well, then we have five tips that might help you declutter your living space.

A 101-guide to keep the fragrance of your home good

Every house has a fragrance. Here are some easy ways to make your abode smell wonderful and amazing the whole day!

For her : Top valentines day gift ideas

With Valentine's Day on the horizon, are you feeling crushed by the struggle to find the perfect gift for your wife, fiance or girlfriend....