Beauty Secrets

Charity begins at home: Four elements to add to your daily...

You can always begin from home, and add some healthy elements to your daily diet to make sure of flawless skin. 

Homemade beauty solutions for everyone

Wedding Affair brings some homemade beauty remedies for all your dermatological problems - like dryness or rough hair!

Get the Bridal Glow with these silver bullets

A bride should look flawless from all angles. By including these 7 steps in your beauty regime you can attain that perfect bridal glow.

5 Tips to keep your Skin Hydrated

5 Tips to keep your Skin Hydrated: We all know that a healthy routine leads to a healthy life. Still, we commit our whole...

Top 7 Ways To Maintain Healthy Nails

Nails are the distinctive selling feature of your hands, which gives them an elegant appearance. Along with being graceful, it also serves as a...

Celebrity beauty hacks every bride must follow

We at Wedding Affair have done some research and we've come up with a list of invaluable beauty hacks so that you can feel like a queen.

Aloe vera for a gorgeous skin

It has many health, beauty, medicinal, and skincare properties. Hence, Aloe Vera has been regarded as “the plant of immortality”. 

Benefits of adding a Jade Roller to your skincare

When you look at a jade roller you think that it is only for massaging your face but you’re wrong there, as it has many benefits.

Natural Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin

The secret of good skin lies in women's beauty kits and their natural skin care routines. Good skin needs proper nourishment, supervision and time....

Homemade face packs for Glowing Skin

All of us want beautiful skin and a healthy body, but very few of us are willing to put effort to get the required...

3 ultimate ways to apply your liquid foundations, and why!?

we might not be any experts, but listed below are the three most common ways that you should choose to apply your foundations.

#BeautyHacks to beat the summer heat 

Beauty comes with its share of troubles, and especially during the summer heat you better make appropriate choices.