Beauty Secrets

3 ultimate ways to apply your liquid foundations, and why!?

we might not be any experts, but listed below are the three most common ways that you should choose to apply your foundations.

How to prep for your wedding despite a 9 to 5...

Even if you're tied to your desk from 9 to 5, there are things you can do from the comfort of your office chair...

How to use a jade roller and gua sha for face...

To say that these tools are new to the world of beauty would be wrong. They might be the latest obsession for almost everybody...

Get Rid Of Body Acne Before Your D-Day

Body acne can be a frustrating and unsightly problem, especially when you're preparing for an important event like your wedding day. However, there are...

Ultimate Summer Skincare Regime For Dehydrating Skin

The summer months are here, which is going to cause your skin to feel dehydrated. You must maintain a skincare routine because your skin...

Top 5 Natural Face Remedies for Brides

Top 5 Natural Face Remedies for Brides: The face is something we all sincerely keep care about more than any other body part. This...

Sustainable Beauty Routine for a Bride-to-Be

It is not easy to keep up with the stress generated from long shopping experiences and other preparations for the wedding. During all this,...

Post makeup routine: skincare tips to follow 

Getting all dolled up for a party and doing dapper makeup sure feels good, but you will have to make sure to clean all that up

‘Skin Cycling’ Approved

Today, it goes without saying that social media is the abode of several viral beauty fads. Videos with the most views usually have the...

Tips to follow before buying a beauty product!

Impulsive buys are like a birthright for the ladies out there, but you need to think before buying beauty products as they might hate your skin.

Beauty trends to follow this December

The year 2020 was the era of Instagram beauty trends, which in tune were truly inspired by these gorgeous runway trends in the past.

4 easy facemasks for glowing summer skin

The oiliness and sweat is ever-increasing and there is dryness at the same time is a clear infection that summer is here. It's to...