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The Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is an old-age practice to pay homage to the soaring sun, which is comprehended as the source of all forms of life....

Maintaining a healthy diet before your wedding

Crash diets have been known to cause serious fatigue. Hence, Wedding Affair suggests adding some superfood jam-packed with nutrition.

Get in touch with yourself through Meditation

Meditation is a technique suggested to people, to train their thoughts. It isn’t about becoming a different person or even a better person.

How to Take Care of Your Health Post Marriage?

If you have recently tied the know, this blog is definitely meant for you. We understand how occupied you must have been in the...

Must-include Dietary Fibres in your Diet

There are numerous health benefits of adding foods rich in fibre to your diet. Setting up a routine of physical workouts on an everyday...

How to stay active while you’re working from home

This seems fine for two to three days max, but this should never be your trope. Everyone needs to be active in order to be healthy and happy.

What are the basic questions to ask a gynecologist before your...

 The wedding not only brings love, laughing, pleasure, and excitement to a bride's mind, but it also brings nerves, tensions, confusion, and turmoil. Everyone...

3 ways to keep up your resolutions this year

The new year feels like a new beginning, which is why so many people often set lofty resolutions during these times. While this practice...

Fitness Expert, Mickey Mehta shares the Ultimate “Be Fit” List

The renowned Celebrity Fitness expert Mickey Mehta provides a detailed list of 'requisites' to maintain good health and lose weight as desired. Checklist before you start...

Pilates to Stay Fit during Pregnancy

Working out is almost as important as breathing these days. With stress taking the up road in our life, and the growing amount of...

Most Effective Exercises to Get Your Body in Shape

During the festive season, it is understandable that exercising in the way that is essential to keep the body fit is almost next to...

Yoga asanas for the “bride to be” squad

listed below are a few yoga asanas that all the brides should practice just before their wedding.